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( Unedited )

Felix p.o.v

I dropped off Olivia and started walking to my school ignoring the stares from all of the mums and a few Karens.

I'm so grateful for Olivia. No one deserves to have such an amazing sister or bestfriend like her in their life. All though it was hard to hide the rather large cupcakes, we managed to find a way. We decided to ration our cupcakes so that they could last a few days. We didn't know the next time we'd get so much food, especially in one day. Those cupcakes were practically the size of small cakes. I get tiny snacks from random girls and guys at school, but we can't survive off of so little food. I would get a part time job, but who'd protect Olivia when I'm gone? I know that I'll need to get a part time job soon. We can only live off of our mum's life insurance for so long. My dad barely works and blows it all on beer. He has managed to guilt trip the land owner for years but at any point she can start asking for bills again.

I would go to a foster home with Oivia, but we're scared of being seperated from eatchother and getting mean 'parents' again.

I started to bite my finger nails feeling anxiety slowly take over my entire body inching through every ounce of my blood.

Maybe if i drop out and work a ton of jobs i can afford to get a tiny apartment and have enough money to send olivia to college?

I'll think about this later. Right now i should focus on getting onto campus without having people swarm me. I look up and meet eyes with Changbin. I feel my face get a little warm.

No this is wrong, Jisung likes him. I quickly look down and walk directly into a crowded area to get away. I looked up to see if he noticed, but it looked like he was following. This can't be. He hates me. Then i realized i had made a mistake. We made direct eye contact. I look down again and start walking faster in between the random kids. Dangit he's gonna know I'm avoiding him. Once i thought he got farther away i looked up again to try and see if he was following i couldn't see him. He had probably got lost in the crowd due to his short height. I sighed and got off of my tippy toes looking down, only to realize that Changbin was right in front of me smirking.

"Hello Felix." He said while smirking. Our faces where so close that i could feel Changbin's breath on my face. My heart nearly stopped. Curse this boys vertically lacking body.

Changbin's p.o.v (before following felix)

Today was the day we follow through with our, sorta plan. I was prepared to do it and even tried to think of ways that i could approach him. The only problem was that I'd have to start on my own today. Jisung failed to tell me that he had a dentist appointment on this morning and wouldn't arrive till later near lunch. I looked down on my phone as i waited for Felix to show up.

"Oh my god! He's so cute!!" A girl next to me said to her friend while giggling. Yup that means he's here. I quickly power off my phone and look up only to see him already looking at me. It looked like he got embarrassed because he then put his head down and started weaving in between the crowd of people. Is he avoiding me? I follow more trying to catch up, but I'm not used to engaging with crowds. My height didn't help much either. He looked back at me again this time making firm eye contact. He then walked even faster. Yup he definitely is avoiding me. I sped up and got really close behind him. He suddenly turned around and i just barely dodged his chest. He really just looked straight over me like i was an ant. I just stood there smirking waiting for him to look down. When he finally did, he had obvious shock plastered on his face.

While smirking i just looked up at him and said,"hello felix."

I may have looked confident saying that to him, but in reality i was freaking out. His face was barely an inch away from mine. I'm trying so hard to hide my blush.


A/n: I'm still struggling with my writing issues. I feel like it isn't good enough :( . Anywho I'm sorry for the short chapter. A lot went on. I did a double update for you guys :) hope you enjoy and possibly follow or vote 👀 but it's ok if you don't want to.

June 15th, 2020
( 822 words)

(Skz comeback is soon!!)

i can see your scars        ~{changlix}~  FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now