5 fivveee

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Changbins p.o.v:

Finally this wretched day has ended, now i can finally go home and eat some good food.

"Hey changbin wait up!" I heard a familiar deep voice call me from behind.

'Ughhh what does he want' i groaned to myself in annoyance. Can't he tell i want nothing to do with him. Why wont he leave me alone.

I then turned around to see the glowing boy waving while skipping toward me.

"Do you live near hear? This is near where i go to pick up my little sister." He said trying to be friendly. I just rolled my eyes in response but clearly he wasn't going to give up so easily.

"My sister gets out a little later so i can walk you home." He tried again. I just stopped walking and turned around to face him. Which probably was a bad idea because we ended up a little to close.

"Look, not in a mean way, but I'm not intrested in making new friends. Earlier i was kinda dragged by the pale kid to sit at his table. So do me a favour and ignore me from now on ok?" I said while taking a step back.

Dang, i must've made him really mad his cheeks are super red.

"I-i understand." The boy said (an: lookin like a whole tomato heada-) shyly walking around me.

Ugh i hope i don't get bullied because of prince boy. I thought to myself, then walked the rest of the way home.


Felix p.o.v:

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!

First off why did i do that? that's something I'd never do. 2nd off Why am i still blushing? 3rd off why did he look so freakin cool?

Gahh I dont have time for this. I have to pick up olivia...maybe she can talk to me about this? Naw, i don't want to burden her...do i really have anyone to go to?


Changbin's p.o.v:

"Mother I'm back!" I shouted into the house only to get nothing in response.

Oh yeah, her work day got pushed back so now she has to work till 4 hours after i get out.

I sighed to myself. I know i can't be dependent on her forever. She's been holding my hand through everything. I knew I'd have to grow up someday, but i never realized how hard it was. I think this is the first time I've actually been alone...it's the first time I've had no one to go to.

Pls read:

An: sorry i didn't update yesterday i got terribly busy and i have a super mega short update today because i finally plotted out the storyline and it was way harder than i thought it would be. I need to be inspired by something when i right. Which brings me into my next topic of why my writing changes a lot. Well 1. I'm still kinda new to writing so im trying to find what style is easier for me, i tried 3rd person but it was really bad bec i want you guys to understand and connect with their lives because if you don't the story gets complicated and even a bit boring for later on. 2. Because im very much subconsciously influenced by what goes on around me in my life. For example some times my writing (especially for felix life) is more descriptive and nicer and easier for you to read and easier for me to write. Tbh i could write his storyline for hours without a second thought. Where as changbin's life is harder for me to write and i struggle because i can't relate so i try really hard not to subconsciously add in stuff that will throw you off his storyline. I can make a clear message when i write felix story but with changbin's i make it harder to understand(sorry for that btw). Felix's more up front about his situation and how attached he is to olivia. Where as changbin I'm trying my best show a healthy yet unhealthy relationship and style of living and a kinda unhealthy coping mechanism. Basically in the end they have the same problems just with different circumstances. But just because they share similar problems doesn't mean they have the same strengths. For example (i cant go into to much detail so i have to use this bad example) felix knows that something is wrong with his life style and can acknowledge that, changbin thinks he's ok because that's simply what he's used to and that's one way how his mind copes. He's lived like this everyday so it isn't his fault, it's like you being told brushing your teeth is actually bad for you. And Even though i write changbins half more bubbly he still has some of the same problems as felix even if i write something terrible for his life. That was an accident though, i subconsciously did that and just decided to go with the flow. Originally the story idea i had in mind focused more on changbin's powers but i guess I've gotten a little off of topic oof. It kinda helps portray changbin's unhealthy coping mechanism of not caring or getting attached though (besides his mum but she's been with him and protected him the whole time which is why he can trust her...oops i just spoiled apart of jisung and changbins backstory). So my mind hasn't failed me yet lol. Ok i will stop now this has more words than the stupidly short chapter and i know that I'll keep going on if i dont stop now amd will probably end up spoiling my new story line.

Hope you enjoyed it!!
Thank you for reading!!
Maybe see you tommorow :DD
comment if you have any questions, criticisms, theories, or thoughts. Or even if u just want to talk lmaooo
Now really byeee

(Thurs mar.26,2020)
(2:35 am)


(The sunmi stan)

i can see your scars        ~{changlix}~  FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now