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The next morning after breakfast was hectic. The event planner had arrived since the party was going to be in the large garden behind our house.

Decorations started immediately, fresh flowers were brought into the garden, the whole place was filled with the scents of roses. The children played with the ribbons and balloons. The joy on their faces made me smile.

I took one of the red roses, carefully taking out the thorns, I headed straight to my bedroom. I knew she was there. She'd managed to escaped Beatrice, the entire morning, Beatrice was all over her, talking about irrelevant things.

As I got to my room, she was with Beatrice. Beatrice left the minutes she saw me come in.

"You were right Wesley, Beatrice has one hell of a personality!" She breathed out exhaustedly.

I laughed, "you're yet to encounter more, I warned you! What does she want you to do for her anyway?" I asked.

Immediately, her eyes dropped from my face, searching the floor.

"Err, no.. thing, nothing at all!" She hastily walked away, but I quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to me.

"Tell me, what's that nothing? I need to know!" I persisted.

She pouted and moved away. I knew there was something, Beatrice wouldn't tail her everywhere for just nothing, there was something they were hiding.

"Well?" I pushed and she laughed. Forced a laugh.

"I said it's nothing really, she was just telling me about school that's all!" Her eyes darted to my hand, "Is that a rose?" She asked, shifting the conversation from Beatrice.

"Yeah! It's for you!"

She came closer and took the flower off my hand. She gave it a quick sniff.

"It's beautiful!" She smiled up at me!

"You're more beautiful!" I brushed back her hair.

I leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her lips, before moving away to the window. She joined me at the window, taking my arm.

"Your parents must be really happy!" She said.

"Yeah, they're lucky they have each other!"

As we stood by the window looking down at the garden, my heart was certain that then was the right time. But was it the right time for Gennie? Would she want to spend her entire life with an American? Was she ready to settle at all?

I was sure I loved Gennie not 'cause she was carrying my child but because she made me happy, she gave me peace of mind. My life had changed for good since I met Gennie, she made me feel complete inside out. I was sure after thinking it through for some months now I was certain I wanted to give myself last chance at commitment.

Although my last marriage didn't work out, I didn't blame myself for it, Collins was right it wasn't my fault, I didn't want to dwell on it. I knew deep inside of me getting involved with Gennie was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I wanted to give Purity a home, I wanted him to grow in love and have all the tender loving care a family could give.

I had no doubts in my mind Gennie was the one. None at all.

There was a knock on my door. My heartbeat increased, I knew it was time, I hoped everything went as I had mentally pictured it.

I wanted something simple, not an overwhelming surprise. I didn't want it outside so I could give her time to think.

TO LAST A LIFETIMETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang