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When I awoke the next morning, Wesley's arms encircled me, trapping me in an embrace, his face was on the crook of my neck, his eyes closed in sleep.  I wanted to stay like this all day, to bask in his warmth, to continue feeling his warm breath on my neck, to sniff in his musky scent, to listen to his heartbeats.

But I knew deep down it was just temporary, by seven pm today, Wesley was leaving, he was leaving me. A part of me wished he didn't have to leave, he would stay here with me, with the baby, we would live like a family.

A family? Seriously? Was I thinking of settling down with Wesley? He already had a wife and even though he was able to get the divorce, I don't think Wesley would want to be trapped by another woman, I was sure he would want to live a free and single life. What was the big deal with a baby? Most men had love-children and tossed the big commitment in the dust bin, in Wesley's case, I don't think he was willing to play the commitment card, not anymore.

I was trapped in this mess. What was I going to say to Mom? How was I going to explain this to her? She was definitely going to flare up when she learns Wesley is married, or should I just tell her after Wesley's divorce? What if they'll be no divorce? What if Wesley forgives his wife? What about our child? What about Purity? Was there a future for Purity with the father in the picture or would Wesley ditch him just like my father did?

"What are you thinking of?" I heard Wesley asked sleepily, pulling me more closely to himself. I glanced at him, his eyes were closed, I knew he was now awake.

I didn't want to bother him with my problems, I was in this mess because I led myself to it, the mountain should've thought of what to encounter from Mohammed before going to him. I sighed. Damn! Wesley heard that.

His head snapped up at me, I met his inquisitive eyes, they were laced with concern.

"What?" He asked, persuading me to speak up.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering how I would tell my mom, that's all!" It wasn't entirely false.

"You're afraid of what her  reaction would be?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Don't worry, just tell her first, then whatever her reaction would be is entirely up to her, she might not react the way you're dreading."

I stretched, getting up, disentangling myself from his arms. I looked down at my stomach, it was still the same size as before since I was just a few weeks in.

"I wonder what a bump would look like on me!" I said lightly touching my stomach.

"I'm wondering the same, but I know it would look good on you!" He chuckled.


I was gaping at Wesley when he came out of the bathroom later that morning, damn! He was too sexy after showering, with a towel around his waist and dropped halfway down his legs. His raven hair wet and spiky, dripping water down his temple. His face white and fresh. I stood by the wardrobe door and just gaped at him.

"Like what you see?" He smirked as he came closer, smacking me back to earth.

My eyes fell to his waistline and down to the bulge beneath, securely covered by a thick white towel. He smelt of sandalwood maybe the shower gel or his aftershave.

He pulled me from the wardrobe door to his chest, fixing his gaze on me. "If you're just going to stare, at least move from the wardrobe.." I was lost in his hazel eyes. My heartbeat increased as he brought his hand up to my face, gently ran his thumb on my cheeks, and stopped on my parted lips. His hazel eyes were hooded with desire, as he leaned in, a drop of water from his dampened hair dropped on my nose, the tingling effect it had on my skin went down my entire body, sending jolts of heat to every sensitive part of me.

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