Partners In Crime

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After dinner, Mrs. Adams and Miranda stood up to clear up.

"Can I help?" I asked Miranda, she looked up at me and nodded appreciatively.

"That would be so kind of you!" Mrs. Adams beamed at me.

I wanted to get away from his family's scrutinizing gaze, having everyone stare at me was something I was always uncomfortable with. I was never a lover of 'all eyes on me' it made me really nervous. So I had found a better way of escaping.

I took the dishes to the kitchen alongside Mrs. Adams and Miranda, Miranda washed the large serving dish by the sink since it couldn't be put in the dishwasher, while I filled the dishwasher with the dishes.

Wesley was really happy with me getting pregnant. If I had known months ago I wouldn't have panicked. His family was filled with love. Wesley was brought up in love that made me relaxed about the kind of father he would be to Purity. I was relaxed after meeting their family this evening, they had welcomed me cheerfully.

I looked back as the children scurried into the kitchen one after the other. Mrs. Adams seemed to know what it was they were looking for. She brought out a giant transparent jar of cookies.

I watched as each little child had a share.

"I want to share mine with my best friend!" Henry scrambled to where I was watching.

He handed a cookie to me, I smiled taking it from him.

"He likes you, that's strange, he's usually the last to warm up to anyone!" Miranda said with a glint of pride in her eyes.

"I guess he has his tiny reasons!" I laughed, getting the cookie from the little boy. He smiled widely.

"Jay, did you see that? You must be so jealous I have a new friend now!"

And that was one of his reasons.

"She's my friend too, right?" The other smaller boy came closer as well.

"You all should go up to your rooms now!" Miranda scolded.

"They can be a headache at times!" Mrs. Adams said as they left the kitchen.

Beatrice came into the kitchen right after the kids had left. She cleared her throat for attention.

"So!" She began, taking a seat by the counter. Her gaze and smiles fell on me. I knew there was something on her mind. And what was it she was going to say before Wesley cut her off earlier at the dinner table?

"How did you two meet? I heard it was the perfect meet-cute you were robbed at the alley and Wesley came just in time.."

"You talk way too much, go give you dad his medicine!" Mrs. Adams snapped.

"I already did that stop preaching now!" She pouted folding her arms on the counter.

I couldn't pay any more attention, what did Beatrice mean by Wesley saving me at the alley? Was it actually Wesley that night? I don't think so, she was wrong, Wesley had never mentioned it so it couldn't be possible she must've misunderstood what Wesley had say.

"Don't bother Gennie go somewhere else, you never loved being in the kitchen anyway!" Mrs. Adams shooed her away.

"No Mrs. Adams it's nothing, I'm not bothered at all." I wasn't bothered, she said something that had piqued my interest I had to dig it out of her, one way or the other.

I moved from the dishwasher when Mrs. Adams took over.

"Wesley and I met in New York City at the hotel we both lodged in. It was during lunch that we actually spoke but the first time I saw him was at a party and.."

"But Wesley said it was at the alley!" She argued.

"He did? You must've heard wrong!" Did he? Was he the one that night? How come he never told me?

"Of course he did and I'm certain about it!" She climbed down from the counter "you want to see our family album especially when Wesley was younger?" She didn't wait for my response, she towed me away from the kitchen.

She went upstairs through the corridor and stopped by a door, pushing it open she went inside, I followed.

"This is my room, its quite small, the big guys took the larger rooms!" She said pulling out a seat from her dresser for me to seat.

She sat on her bed smiling into my face. I was confused as hell.

"So where's the family photo album?" I asked when she didn't make any move to bring it.

She airily waved her hand, in dismissal. "Ahh! You actually didn't imagine I'd want to look at those embarrassing photos!"

"Oh! So why did you bring me here?" I raised my brows.

"Good question! I might not have time tomorrow since it would be a busy day with the wedding anniversary and all, I might forget so I'd figured now might be the right time." She smiled.

"Right time for what?"

"To ask you for a favor!"

She got up from her bed and walked towards me. I stared at her, unsure of the kind of favor she wanted from me. Maybe it was me giving birth to Purity in America or maybe something else. Something else like what?

"And that is?" I asked searching her face.

"Promise first you'll do it?"

"I have to be sure it's something within my power!" My shoulders lifted in a half-shrug.

"It is, relax, I won't ask you to donate your kidneys!"

"I wouldn't dare!"

"Quite aware that's why I'm not going to ask, but all I want you to do is to.."

She paused and regarded my inquiry face.

"To?" I prodded

She took my hands. "Gennie please I want you to hook me up with a black guy?"

My brows dropped, is that the favor she wanted me to do her? Black guy? Did I know any? Truthfully I knew so many men from my country and wasn't sure if any of them wanted a girl. Seeing the look on her face I knew she wasn't joking. So I couldn't laugh.

"Black guy? I don't think I know any that needs a girlfriend."

"So is that a no?" Her face dropped. "I've always dreamt of dating a black guy, the ones here just don't talk to me. It's okay if you won't do it."

The disappointment on her rosy face and tone was something I couldn't ignore. She let go of my hand and walked back to the bed.

"I'll help you only on one condition!" I said and her figure strengthened.

"Which is?"

"Wesley isn't going to find out about this! He'll never forgive me if he realizes I am planning to get his kid sister hooked up with a guy!"

"I couldn't care less, I'm not a kid, I'm nineteen, Twenty by September."

"You're older than I had imagined!" I confessed.

"Seriously? How old did you think I was? Twelve?"

"No! I thought probably seventeen!"

"Geez! Do I look that young? I know you aren't older than twenty-five!" She laughed.

"Twenty-three," I said.

"Then you're not any older than me, I knew it!" She grinned. "We're going to be partners in crime!"

Partners in crime? Did that mean small gossips and dirty talks? Too bad because I was going to leave after the weekend.


This is going to end in maybe one or two more chapters. I'm thinking of the perfect way to end it! 🤔


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