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"You seriously fucked a white man? Here I thought I was the wild one! How was it?" Emily gasped, her eyes widening.

"How was what?" I blushed, looking down at my meal.

"Don't you dare play coy with me!" She scowled at me.

"It was great!" I bit my bottom lips, trying not to smile.

"Just great?" She cocked a hilarious eyebrow, I burst out laughing. I nearly choked on my noddles.

"Emily stop! Just know it was great okay?"

"Too bad, he was married! And you're the saint, me the sinner, I would've had a second round and third, in fact, I would've fucked him until I left America, to hell with commitment!" She gibed.

"I can never do that! You know me quite well. Anything with a marriage tag, I don't dare!" I cringed at the thoughts.

"Oh really! A real saint!" Emily scoffed sarcastically.


The next week, I resumed work. I worked in a construction company, I shared a glass-walled office with Felicia our team leader, she was just four years older and she was very friendly.

I felt relieved, I felt so alive, everyone noticed the aura around me and asked, I kept my personal life private at work so I just laughed it off. Indeed New York worked its magic.

I met Harold at his office on a few occasions when I went to sign some papers, I felt nothing, the anger, and resentment I had towards him just weren't there. It made me wondered what kinda magic New York City worked on me, or was it, Wesley?

No! Definitely not him! Or was it? No!

The clothes I wore to work weren't provocative at all but they were so unlike me, I turned every head each day as I walked confidently into the office every morning. Female employees eyed my clothes in envy while the male just complimented them. That was a miracle, Emily was right, I was long overdue for a change.

"You've changed, a lot!" Harold had once said after one of those meetings we had in the conference hall. "If you were this gorgeous I wouldn't have dumped you!"

I don't know why, but that didn't get any reaction from me, and that had shocked him.

I had called my mother and talked to her, she was glad I was doing well. I had way billed the things I got her and Aunt Julie with her son. She'd rained blessings on me. I was completely happy, I felt blessed. I couldn't ask for more.

One Monday evening after work, Emily and I hung out in our favorite restaurant, she broke the news to me, showing me an engagement ring. She was getting married. She was puffing with excitement.

"Daniel's asked me to marry him!" She was excited, I was shocked!

"No way!" I gasped

"Yes! Yes, way!" She squealed.

"When did this happen?" I asked looking at the ring on her finger.

"It was yesterday when we went for his brother's child christening, throughout the service he was wearing this look, you know, this look like he was going to chuck me. At first, I thought he was uncomfortable with me meeting his family, but as time went by, It worsened, I got scared.." she paused and regarded me.

"So?" I prodded when she fell silent.

"So as we left later in the evening, after the reception party, he was still with the attitude, I was afraid to ask. I walked faster to the car when I looked back.." she stopped for dramatic effects. Yeah, Emily was like that.

"When you looked back?" I had figured it was the getting on the knee part.

"When I turned back," her voice suddenly pitched up "Daniel was on his knee with this diamond ring! Daniel asked me to marry him, can you believe that?"

"Wow! Lucky you!" I hugged her.

"I know, not every girl is this lucky!"

Her word stabbed me, cutting across my chest. She was right, not every girl was lucky, I wasn't, not at all.

"C'mon not you!" She punched me playfully in the arm when she noticed my sudden somber mood. "Geez! You're seriously not thinking you're unlucky?"

I pouted and she hugged me. "The right man would come darling, sooner or later?"

Sooner! Was what I was dying to scream. But I didn't want Emily to feel bad she was going to abandon me in singlehood, I laughed.

"Later! I've got a whole lot of things to do before thinking of settling down!" I lied.

"Then promise me you won't give me this envious look whenever I tell you about it, 'cause best believe me, I'm going to tell you about every bit of it, I mean every bit because we'll be planning this together with the event planner!"

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes, she grinned widely.

"You know you're going to be my maid of honor right?"

"Oh really? No way!" It was actually happening, Emily was getting married! I was so happy for her. Seeing her this happy made me happy too.

Throughout the entire evening, we talked about wedding dresses, makeups, and trains ideas, I was beginning to get bored but to Emily, the conversation was just starting.

She spoke with Daniel on the phone sending an audible kiss to him over the phone.

The next day we had lunch out with Daniel. My best friend was just so happy that it was so hard for her to breathe. I prayed she wouldn't die of excitement.

"March! I want it in March, Spring is just perfect with the flowers blooming." Emily said trying to fix their wedding month.

"If that's what you want honey!" Daniel didn't argue. He was just the kind of guy Emily had dreamt of.

"March would be perfect right Gennie?" Emily confirmed.

Even though I disagreed, she was just going to go ahead and have it in March so why did she bother?

"Yeah, it would be, flowers in full bloom!" I said she nodded in agreement.

She started all over again with the arrangements, the dresses, the cake, the music, the drinks, her bridal shower, the traditional marriage, her pre-wedding photos, the video coverage...and so on.
Every now and then, she would stop to ask Daniel what he thought, he just nodded. Just like me, Daniel was getting bored as well.

"Isn't that the job of the event planner?" Daniel asked, I exhaled, finally someone was able to shut her up without being rude.

"I know, but I have to be certain on what I want so the planners won't just throw anything at me, right Gennie?"

Not again!

"Oh! Yes!" I feigned a smile, one she knew was feigned.

"A sincere smile doesn't take anything you know!" She murmured.

Instead of replying, I stuffed my mouth with the jollof rice from my plate.


Stay safe guys, personal hygiene is very important in times like this, remember to wash your hands frequently and use an alcohol-based sanitizer to keep the Coronavirus away from your palms. Stay indoors and read a book, except and unless it's very important, and if you must go out, remember to use your masks!🙏

Remember I care!


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