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Wesley was by the window when I went into his room. He turned immediately the door closed behind me.

"I was beginning to think you were lost in the house!" He quipped I rolled my eyes.

"How long have you been waiting?" I asked, not wanting to dwell on his sarcasm.

He left the window, joining me on the couch.

"Not long, but I searched the entire house for you, I'm sure you were with Beatrice!"

"How do you know? Are you that afraid of losing me?" I hilariously wiggled my brows. He laughed.

"You and Beatrice can never make a team just so you know!"

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Two different personalities merged together, that would be a disaster!"

"Well she's sweet that's all that matters!" A smug smile fell on my face.

"I'll always be here to settle cats fights!" He laughed.

"Cats fights? Of course, we're not going to fight!"

"I hoped you haven't promised her anything yet? Trust me that's where it would all begin if you fail to keep to your promise."

"Promise? No, I've not, why would I?" I said as casually as possible, so he wouldn't notice I was lying.

Of course, I did promise her something! I hoped I could get her hooked with a black guy, I had no one in mind but there had to be someone.

"You need to rest, you haven't had any rest today!" He said.

"I did, remember?"

"Not with Henry in here, I'll leave you to rest now."

He got up, I didn't want him to leave, not yet. I was enjoying his company more than anything, even if there were no talks, Wesley in here was more than enough to keep me warm on the inside.

I caught his arm, he looked back at me. His hazel eyes searching mine. Something like an electrical wave passed through us. My throat went dry and my tongue got glued to the roof of my mouth. I immediately let go of his arm. The kind of effect it suddenly had on me was inexplicable. My eyes fell on something else other than his mesmerizing gaze.

"What is it, Gennie?" He came closer, way closer, drawing out the last breath in me.

I gulped under his gaze and his towering figure. A faint smile twitched on my lips, "nothing, good night!" I just couldn't tell him to stay, not with the way I was feeling.

I scrunched down before moving away from his so tall figure to his bed. I felt guilty I was taking his bed that night. If only I could tell him to stay until at least I fell asleep. It was going to be difficult to fall asleep here, not when I would be lying with the consciousness I was in Wesley's family house, in his room, and in his bed.

I closed my eyes the minutes my head touched the pillows. I felt the duvet move, I fluttered my eyes open, Wesley gently pulled the covers above me, putting off the bedside lamp. The room immediately went black.

"I can't sleep in a dark room! I'm scared of the dark!" I whined.

He laughed, putting it on again. But it was a soft glow. I nodded and he left it that way.

"Good night Purity!" He whispered, climbing the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked for clarity. Was he going to sleep here? My heart skipped in joy.

"I'll stay until you sleep, isn't that what you want?"

"Of course not!" I lied, hiding my smiles.

"The mouth lies but the eyes don't!"

He laid beside me with his back on the bed, his hand above his head. Wesley filled my nostrils, my gaze, my head, my mind everything in me was surrounded by him. How come he had such a strong hold on me? I wanted Wesley closer to me now and always. He was divorced, so he wasn't another woman's. I wished Wesley was mine, I wished I could tell him how much he meant to me and how much I love him.

What I felt for him was totally different from what I had ever felt for anyone. I was drawn to him, even when I was far from him, my heart yearned to be with him, I just couldn't stop thinking of him. If only he knew how much he made me happy, how much he'd changed my life.

Was he the one that night? Was Wesley actually my savior that night at the alley? Was it fate that brought us together? Getting involved with him, was it fate that was working?

He pulled me from my thoughts when he gently pulled me to himself. He was warm, I could hear his heart pumping blood, I entangled our legs remaining that way.

"Were you the one that night?" I asked, my voice was almost a breath.

"Is that what was on your mind?" He asked instead of answering, I nodded. His hand took my hair in a soft caress.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I raised my head to meet his eyes.

"I felt it wasn't necessary, I didn't want you to think of me like your hero or some sort of Superman!"

I laughed, for real?

"Of course you're my hero! Wesley, you saved me that night from Brad!"

"Looks like you already made acquaintances!" He said sarcastically.

"No! I happened to hear the other guys call him."

"If I had the slightest idea that night you would be carrying my baby, I wouldn't have left you alone that night!"

"Why didn't you say something to me? Or be nice enough to pick me up on your bike!"

"Was that necessary?"

"Of course it was!"

"Remind me to next time!" He chuckled.

"There'll be no next time, I would never fall a victim again, that was the first and the last time!"

"Keep off the alley then it won't happen again!" He warned.

"It was worth it Wesley, at least I met you, oh I mean you met me, either ways fate played its part!"

"You think it was fate?" He asked pulling me much closer into himself.

"How else can I explain it? It wasn't a coincidence, it was well planned. I don't think carrying your baby Wesley is a mistake!"

"Yeah, a double mistake isn't a mistake at all. You're right Gennie, fate brought us together! Why would anyone take a trip to NY in December?"

"So she can meet Wesley Adams!" I laughed, rolling over.

I got on him, burying my mouth in his. My mouth ravenously assailed his. His hand cradled my head. My heart knew that moment that I loved Wesley. Of course, I did, I did love him. I loved my baby's father even though I wasn't ready to admit it aloud.


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