Resignation Letter

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Emily was picking out the designs for her wedding reception, I helped her pick the latest decorations from the plethora of samples her event planner had sent her.

A photo caught my attention, the photo of a couple an African woman and American man smiling into each other's face. I stopped and stared at the photo, trying not to look so obvious to Emily.

Was this ever going to be possible between Wesley and me? For sure Wesley would never want to settle anymore with anyone let alone an African girl.

My eyes lingered on the photo as I imagined how they met, was it during a vacation or a business trip, or did they meet online?

"I know what you're thinking!"

I jumped, looking at Emily, I quickly shuffled to the next photo.

"What are you talking about?" I blinked repeatedly.

"Would you marry him if he asked?" Emily asked, searching my face for an answer.

"Marry who? Ask what? You're sick!" I  feigned ignorance, putting the pictures down as I walked to my ringing phone. Emily only shook her head.

"Hello! Felicia!" I said as I answered the call.


"Yeah what's up? You're not the type that calls after working hours so why are you calling?"

"I just thought I should let you know since we're close, I don't want it to come to you as a shock!" Her voice wavered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, curiously.

"Harold.." she started.

"Harold? What about him?"

"Taye, the new personnel manager, the one I said likes me, told me Harold asked him to write your sack letter, he's to give you by tomorrow!"

My heart stopped beating. Harold did what?

"Sack letter? Why?"

"According to Taye, he said Harold is blaming you for making the company lose the last contract, that you should've made the wiring system bolder on the blueprints!"

"Felicia, I did just exactly as he told me!" I almost yelled into the phone, Emily was now by my side, staring.

"I know and that wasn't the real reason why we weren't listed for the contract, our designs just didn't measure up to the other companies! I know what being fired could do to your resumè so I thought I could give you a heads up so you could maybe turn in a resignation letter instead of being fired!"

"Thanks, Felicia! Harold is sick, who does he think he is to fire me just like that, over something that wasn't my fault!" I snapped angrily.

"I'll go now, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, thank you very much!" I was grateful for the information.

"And, about the information, could you not let him know I told you? It could affect both Taye's and my work!" She said frightfully.

"I won't, I promise!"

"Thank you!" She went off.

"He's a dick, a toddler's own at that!" Emily who heard everything spat.

I dropped to a seat, my head buried in my hand, I wasn't about to cry no! Emily sat next to me, putting her arms around me.

"Remember you said you were going to quit your job to allow you more time for yourself and the baby?" She said blandly, seeing my teary eyes.

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