Pregnancy Hormones

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When I saw the attendant burn her hand with the hot tea, I took the opportunity to pull Gennie's jealous strings. At first, I was sad she didn't care, but seeing her reaction, the anger and jealousy burning so bright in her eyes, I knew she at least liked me. I felt relieved and convinced she wasn't just hanging out with me because I brought myself as a burden to Nigeria or because she had no other option but to get stuck up with me because I'm her baby's father.

The way she was glaring at the attendant soared my heart, I had heard people talk about pulling the jealousy strings but I had never really thought about it until some minutes ago.

Casanova? Her choice of words cleared all doubts.

Letting Gennie go, letting her walk away this moment was very risky, I might never hear from her again, I couldn't take such risk.

"Gennie!" I softly called out, gently grabbing her arms by the door, she defiantly swooped around.

Ooh! Feisty? Honestly, she looked sexy with those burning eyes. I cursed myself for upsetting her, I never thought she would react this way.

"WHAT!!" She yelled, startling me a bit. I dramatically held my heart like she gave me a heart attack. I watched as her face softened before it hardened again.

"I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry!" I said looking apologetically at her.

"I'm not upset with you, sure I'm not, why would I be? I'm only upset with myself for letting myself get involved with a man like you!" She yelled the latter, making me flinch.

Was it her temper or pregnancy hormones? I heard it happened to most pregnant women, was it all?

"I can't keep wasting my time Wesley, I'll think it through, what I want with my life and what I don't, Wesley, it isn't too late to change my mind on this!"

Her words stung me, knocking off every breath in me. I understood what she meant by those words, I knew well. She was going to change her mind, Was she going to opt for an abortion? What if she terminates the pregnancy? My God! My Purity! Hell no!

I stopped her before she opened the door.

"Don't, please! Listen, I..."

She raised her hand and I surprisingly went quiet, I needed to hear what she was going to say.

"Go back to your wife, women don't deserve to be treated this way. Forget the baby, it's just not happening!"

Tears escaped her thick lashes, she roughly wiped it off, opening the door. I grabbed her hand, she vigorously pulled out of my faint grip, running down the hall.

"Gennie! Gennie!" I tailed her but she was too fast, she got in the elevator first, I couldn't catch up with her, when I got downstairs, I couldn't find her either.

I searched the entire space downstairs, I asked people but no one seemed to have paid attention to her. The receptionist said he'd seen her leave.

I was frustrated, I searched the whole street and there was nothing. I went back to my room, the door was opened, just the way I left it. I sighed and went in.

I had to find her, I had to apologize, to beg her to reconsider her sudden change of heart, to tell her of how much happiness it gave me just to think of having a child, something I had always longed for.

I was so frustrated, I didn't know where to find her, I debated whether to call her now or to just wait for sometimes until she cleared her head? After much deliberations, I decided to give her some space.

What have I done? I asked myself as I paced the entire room. Everything was going perfectly well until I pulled the wrong string. I would never forgive myself for making that mistake.

I fell on the bed, heaving a sigh.

My eyes darted to the wall clock, it was almost nine o'clock am, my return flight was by seven pm that evening, I had to find her, to apologize, to convince her to keep the pregnancy.

I had to call Joe, I'm sure he would have an idea on what I should do. I walked to the nightstand, my phone was lying black, I took it and... I froze, where was that coming from?

I heard it ring, it was a phone and it was ringing from the bathroom? My heart raced and I hurried to the bathroom.

Gennie's phone was on the bathroom bar. She must've forgotten it when she came to dress. There was a pinch of hope as I picked up the phone as it rang again.


Was the caller ID. I immediately answered it. A woman's voice came through.

"Don't you ever hang up on me ever again? You're going to ditch me because of that Westlife guy, what's his name again?"

I was still silent, didn't know what to think. I held the phone, still looking at it.

"Seriously? You ain't going to speak? Did your Westlife guy cut your tongue? Speak up, girl!"

Finally, I had to say something, but what was I going to say?

"Sorry but it's not Gennie, it's the Westlife guy.." I heard her gasped and there was a brief pause.

"Oh! I'm sorry Westlife.."

"Wesley, it's Wesley!" I corrected.

"Okay! But where is she?"

"She left about fifty minutes now, she left her phone!"

"Oh! I bet she'll come back for it. Let her know I called when she's back, Emily called."

An idea crossed my mind, if Emily knows of me, then she must've known of the pregnancy.

"Emily do you have time to spare?"

Another pause, then, "on the phone?"

"Yes, if that's okay with you!"

"Sure, anything wrong?"

"Definitely, it's about Gennie!"

"What about her, where's she? Is Gennie alright?"

She was panicking.

"Nothing is wrong, just that we had a little misunderstanding and please could you text me her home address I really need to talk to her!" My voice sounded desperate. I was desperate.

"Oh! I can't, Gennie would never forgive me, let me talk to her first, I'll get back to you on her phone?"

"Okay! You know where she is?"

"Yeah! I'll call in thirty minutes' time!"

She hung up. I took Gennie's phone out to the room. Her screen was locked with passwords I didn't attempt to unlock it, I just stared at the blank screen. I had screwed up, big time!

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