Two Surprises

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I had thought of nothing all week but a perfect valentine surprise for Gennie and the surprise had worked perfectly fine. A bouquet of red roses and a diamond necklace. I was happy she'd appreciated it.

I wished she was here with me on this special day, it would've been wonderful. To put the necklace around her neck myself over dinner in a dimly lighted restaurant, soft music, and fine wine.

That wasn't possible, not with Gennie being so far away, she was right, the distance was really a problem, distance was going to be a problem. How we were going to solve that problem was challenging.

She sounded happy and young, I was an observer, the way she related with that little boy I observed through the video call and the videos and pictures she'd posted on her Instagram proved she was really down to earth with kids.

I hadn't been drinking anymore, not after the news of Gennie's pregnancy, Helena was wrong, I was a complete man, and I couldn't wait to announce to everyone, especially to her that I was expecting a child. I just couldn't wait to see her face when I'll relate the news. I hoped I can get a divorce before Purity was born.

I was seeing a sports highlight on the television in my living room

Bastard child!

Her words filled my mind, I didn't want a child out of wedlock either, and the thoughts of marrying Gennie was just far-fetched. Next to impossible. Gennie was African, I don't think she would want to settle with an American, we were different, totally different. But then she was the kinda girl I could share my home with, I could build a family with. But would she want to share my home? Would she want to settle here in America? I didn't think so, not with her family in Nigeria and her job, she had reasons to stay in Nigeria. What about me? Was I ready to move to Nigeria to start a life? That would be like falling into shallow water.


The next morning, I was ready for work, dressed in my camo-trouser and a fitted black t-shirt.

As the bristles of the hairbrush gently caressed my scalp, I remembered how it felt to have Gennie brush my hair. No one had ever done that apart from mother which she'd stopped when I was maybe ten or eleven. I smiled as her flushed face crowded my mind.

I heard my front doorbell rang. I took my keys and jacket, heading down to the front door.

Helena was there on the doorstep, wearing a white dress that was way smaller for her figure, her now blonde hair tied to a ponytail.

"Good morning darling!" She smiled, her jasmine scent filled the air. She had something behind her, I guessed, her hands were hidden behind her.

"Helena I'm late for work, what's it?"

"I have two surprises for you baby," she pushed past me into the living room, so did her scent.

"Helena I don't have time for this!" I complained.

"Me either, here, the divorce papers Wesley!" She abruptly stretched the papers towards me, her face serious.

My eyes lighted as I got the papers from her. Still, she hadn't signed it, what was wrong with her? I frowned at her.

"I'm willing to sign those papers Wesley but on one condition!"

"I'd do anything to rid myself of you!" I spat she smiled.

"Good because I am willing to sign these papers if and only if," she stopped and regarded my annoyed face with a smug smile, "you make love to me, one last time!"

Helena was insane, I could see it now, she wasn't mentally stable at all. She needed help.

"If that's why you came here please step out I'm late already!" I waved her towards the door.

"But you said you'd do anything! Is that how much you hate me, Wesley?" She laughed, but sadness was in her eyes.

She came forward, on her tippy toes, planted a kiss on my cheeks, her gaze fell on my lips, she leaned in further, our lips were just an inch away when I pulled back. She dropped to her feet, holding my arm.

"Wesley I still love you very much, I want you so badly, I'm sorry okay?"

"I'm not going to rock around in circles with you, even if it takes me a hundred years Helena I'll still get the divorce." I muttered.

"It won't take that long baby!" Her mood suddenly changed from sad to happy, She smiled. "I said I had two surprises for you remember? But I'm surprised myself how you didn't notice!"

I stared at her as she waved a diamond ring at my face, doing a little dance. Letting go of my arm. Our wedding ring she'd worn some days ago was gone. Great!

"What's this?" I asked confused.

"Remember yesterday was Val, while you were home alone drinking those beers in the fridge I was out with Pete, Wesley you won't believe Pete asked me to marry him!" She giggled, almost deafening me.

I felt bad for that boy, he didn't take my advice. Or did she manipulate the little boy into proposing to her? She snatched the divorce papers from off my hand and went to the table, took out a pen, and surprisingly signed the papers. Was this a dream? What was going on?

"Here!" She threw the papers at me.

"Pete may be younger than me but then he's my ideal guy! Wesley, I'm more than happy to leave you to your miserable life. I can't marry two husbands so I pick Pete, even though he's not as tall as you, even though he's not drop-dead gorgeous as you are, and even if my Sugar-berry-tarty-tart isn't as good as you are in bed, I'll still pick him because he alone can give me what you can't!"

"Hmm!" I said my attention on the paper.

"You'll be the first to know the minutes I am confirmed pregnant, Wesley I'll drive my kids to this house to prove to you that my Sugar-berry-tarty-tart is worth more!"

My eyes studied the papers, it was real, Helena finally signed the divorce papers! Whoa!

"Okay then, congratulations on your engagement! And congratulations on your new life!" I smiled cheerfully at her grimaced face.

She glared at me, before stomping out of the house. Whoa! Finally! Whoa!

It was unbelievably impossible, was it for real? My eyes fixed on her signature on the dotted lines. Finally, Helena and I were history. She really knew how to surprise people!

Immediately, I called Joe.


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