Beautiful Lies, Bitter Truth

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You're stuck between
the bitter truth and the
beautiful fiction,
I know it gives you adrenaline,
it's like an addiction.
I can see the truth peeking
through your eyes,
you will be your own demise
and honestly it won't be a surprise
because the truth will always rise,
showing itself though you've
left me disenfranchised.
Until it all spews out
and I get depressed;
again you've left me here
to clean up your mess.
Our trust is a rope
hanging on by a thread,
yet you still chose to
get into my head;
deceive me instead,
leaving me misled.
You can try and hide,
but it's much easier to confide,
instead of force feeding
me evil lies.
Do you think the
truth will be my destruction?
My heart has already been abducted
and sent back malfunctioned,
disgruntled, still under construction.
It may sting a little but
baby, I'm already broken;
going through the motions.
I already know
telling the truth is rare,
Your deceptions are
premeditated and prepared,
the adrenaline pumping,
thinking of the next lie to share.

12:10 PM

The Words I've Never SaidNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ