Seventh and Eighth Sense ( Part I )

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He doesn't know what true love is,
Or what it feels like.
Then he looked into her eyes a little too long.
He realized that, "just friends" don't look at each other like this.
He thought he was doing an exceptional job of making her happy.
Making her feel like the princess of his life.
Treating her with respect, accepting her as a person, and providing her with comfort and security.
There's no way she can turn him down.
He takes a deep breath and let everything fly from his heart.
So he tried explaining his feelings and emotions to the woman,
And the unthinkable happened.
She turned him down.
Wounded, he loses touch with reality,
His mind filled with confusion and disappointment.
A pain consumed his chest.
He explained everything in detail and laid their current relationship on the line for this.
He thought to himself, "This is what true pain reeks of.
Getting hurt by a person you've explained your feelings to.
I thought I was doing everything correctly.
Who am I kidding, I knew this was going to happen.
I just had to know before I hurt myself any more than I have to.
But what is life if I don't take risks."
He now welcomed his new seventh and eighth sense, "Risk and Woe".
3:31 PM

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