My Remedy

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When she's around, my heart starts fluttering.
She has a firm grip on me.
Tugging on my heart,
And Soul.
When she gently fondled my hand, I began to feel me leaving my body, inspecting the whole situation from above.
I felt like feinting as if I was having a heat stroke.
I'm not going anywhere though.
Unless it's a one way ticket to your heart.
Because once I'm there, I won't want to leave this unforgettable venture.
I love those little looks you give as well.
Saying you're trying to "analyzing me".
It's a pretty good excuse to stare into my eyes.
Just to be around you is a blessing.
Every touch exchanged.
Every smile.
Every glance.
Uncontrollable smiles fill my face.
As I turn crimson red, looking like a ripe tomato.
Am I nervous you ask?
Oh honey, I'm just trying to cherish your ambiance before you have to leave.
Simply enjoying your unconditional love that you bestow upon me.
Sometimes I may smile or look away.
It's because I'm not used to being treated like this.
Like I actually matter.
I'm Lucky to even have your full attention.
But every time she floats away, she takes a fragment of me along with her.
You're the star in my life.
The best part of my day.
My remedy.

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