Vertigo (The Fallen Angel: A Short Tale)

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I look up into the sky as the
heavy white gate
slams behind me
and the bright
light disappears
behind the clouds.
The wind is hurting
my chest as I
try to flap my wings
in desperation.
I eventually come
face to face
with the hard black pavement;
scaring many pedestrians
around me as
they take out their
phones to put it on
social media.
Gasps and 9-1-1 calls
fill the street;
my eyes struggle
to keep their focus.
I begin bouncing
in and out
of consciousness as
a young woman
with bright blue eyes
and blonde hair
rushes onto the
busy street;
looks down at me
with panic in her eyes.
Not knowing I was
soaked in a pool of
blood leaking from
my brain and stomach,
I smile, the crimson-
colored blood rushing
in between my teeth.
"This isn't a great
first impression is it?"
I say jokingly.
She lies my head
on her lap and
looks down at me
giving a faint smile,
at a loss for words.
She speaks in a
soft subtle voice,
asking my name.
"Saint Michael", I reply
coughing up blood.
"Michael, it'll all be okay,
just keep your eyes open;
stay with me.
I'm a licensed registered nurse.
I'm here to help
until the ambulance arrives."
She pushes into my side
and a sharp pain rushes
up my spinal cord as
I holler in agonizing pain.
My halo is dented,
ribs broken;
my wings are torn and battered.
Every breath feels like
I'm being stabbed in the stomach.
She can't believe what
she is witnessing.
It's not everyday that
you see a fallen angel
sprawled out across the
busy Manhattan Street
fighting for his life.
Sirens screech through
the overwhelming
crowd of pedestrians.
His stare focuses
into the dark blue sky,
looking at
where he had fallen from.
His halo darkens;
he takes his last breath
inhaling through his nose.
Everything darkens
around him and
he scares awake.
"That's odd,
I haven't been to earth
in over 500 years", I say
with a confused look on my face.
The smell of
bacon coming from the
spotless white kitchen;
laughter of children
playing in the
freshly mowed lawn
echo throughout
my white furnished room.
A sense of relief floods
my body as I roll off
the bed and get ready
for breakfast.

4:01 PM

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