A Penny for your Thoughts

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Life is full of ups and down.
What's important is how many times you rise from your slump.
Your tribulations and errors made throughout the struggle.
No matter what occurs you need to come back stronger and halt all the negative thoughts about how you can't hold on much longer.
There's many remedies to help mend the lacerations made from others.
Most of the time it's spewed in the heat of the moment.
Like a volcano unleashing it's hellish smoke into the atmosphere.
So Surround yourself with positivity and love.
Yet it's difficult to find those genuine, keep them around because those are the ones who'll last and stick by your side.
But you don't push away those who want to help and love you.
Let them in and give them the love they're giving.
Because nine times out of ten, they're looking for acceptance, love, and understanding as well.
Listen to them and actually engage in conversations.
They'll respect you more as a person.
Even if it's something as simple as their favorite song, color or their birthday.
That'll gain trust, loyalty and respect from that person once it shows them that you care.
That you actually give a damn.
You don't use them to replace that void that eats you alive every day.
Don't use them as people to bounce off of if things don't go as planned.
As a plan b.
Look at them for who they are and not who they can replace.
For how they can influence your life and lead you in the right direction.
You need to keep in mind that they have lives too.
They go through just as much as you do, if not more.
So put yourself in their shoes instead of judging off of appearance.
Even the most brave people have times where they just feel overwhelmed and hurt behind something.
Like their world is coming to a halt.
Some are better at hiding it from others and some openly express those deep emotions.
You need to accept those emotions to make a coherent relationship.
Although you may think it's fine to deny their feelings, it's driving those who care for you away.
You have to open up.
Show them your light and your dark side.
And let them decide for themselves.
Everyone's going to judge you and you need to accept that.
It's just how society is.
But the thing is that you need to be open minded and look at situations from both perspectives.
If you're feeling a certain way toward a person let it be known.
Otherwise it'll hang over you like the stars at night.
Your soul can't rest and you'll be constantly seeking answers in all the wrong places.
Simply because you don't want to face the issue head on.
Keep your mind open to new ideas and reasoning of those around you.
12:51 AM

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