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What's life without a little love and
a touch of compassion?
For so long I've been lost,
trying to get my rations,
sit back and examine
the years of damage.
Through all the
wet tissues and fabrics,
my heart still shattered,
cut and battered,
stains still vivid from
the blood splattered.
Until, we locked eyes
and realized that I had to
make you mine,
it was so sudden and caught
me by surprise.
She radiates feisty energy,
I'm feeling her vibe,
like a summer day
filled with sunshine.
I'm trying to figure her out
but she's quite hard to describe,
her nice smile and thighs,
beautiful hair and eyes;
not to mention,
her intricate mind.
So many words left unsaid,
the love has now spread,
dancing inside of my head as
I come to realize that now I
don't feel so dead.
My love will never strife
because you brought me
back to life,
hopefully for years to come
until I make you my wife.
My heart is stuck to you like glue,
my love strong as bamboo,
but for now,
I'll keep it simple with an,
"I love you"
9:06 PM

The Words I've Never Saidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें