End Credits

50 3 0

I feel him slipping away,
my goal isn't to lead him astray
or to put his emotions on display,
but to only make it through the day.

This is only temporary
until my emotions are stable and
our relationship becomes
another fable,
he's as sweet as maple syrup.

I think he realizes my true intentions,
its not my fault that I
never gave them a mention,
I'll keep him here in
my fourth dimension
until he fades into oblivion.

Nothing more than another name
written in the sand,
before being washed away
at high tide,
becoming yet another
forgotten memory.

Now he won't even look
in my direction,
where is the affection,
there's so much tension,
he is a novice to rejection.

I can see him in my peripheral
but the feelings are
no longer visceral,
I'm not too good with
subliminal messages.

I'm not a criminal
for only wanting a friend,
I don't know how to make amends,
so unfortunately,
here is where our
journey ends.

4:02 PM


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