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My pillow wet from tears,
I lay here in deep thought.
What have you done?
You've lost the one thing that's keeping you steady.
Repairing your sanity.
Accepts you for who you are.
Keeping your life from collapsing.
Your words cut deeper than you think Michael.
Let her know that you'd never do anything to hurt her.
That you want to see her prosper and succeed in life.
No matter how many times you say sorry it won't patch the hole.
It'll always be there until finally it caves in.
You should've listened closer.
Instead of retaliating out of anger, misunderstanding, and the shear thought of losing her.
Now look at where your impulsive emotional actions got you.
Stop wearing your heart on your sleeve.
All it does is make people you love vanish.
And now you may have lost her for good.
You need to erase those fears that you're not good enough.
Fix the low self esteem issues and overcome your depression.
The troubles of being a Virgin.
All of that doesn't matter.
She sees you for your heart.
Your actions.
She pops up and makes your day better when you're feeling like shit.
And this is how you repay her?
Stop crying, you've done this to yourself.
What have you done?
Is it too late to win her back?
Is it possible to fix the mess you've created?
What if she leaves your life?
Does she hate you?
Will she block you?
What if she never wants to see you again?
Is this it?
Millions of thoughts and scenarios rush throughout my body.
Shaking me to my core.
Hoping that she'd understand my reasoning.
Now I can't stop gawking at my phone.
I sit here eagerly waiting for a notification.
Mortified that I may never see one again.
11:21 AM

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