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I thought once I got over you
there was no looking back,
but the harder I try to move on
the more I catch myself
reminiscing on what we had.
The thought of you feels like
I'm walking barefoot
on broken glass,
cutting me and reopening
the scars from the past.
The emotions have been hidden
for months but they
are beginning to show,
my mind keeps shouting no,
yet my heart still
can't seem to let you go.
The relationship was toxic
but I craved for your love,
it was like an addiction and
I was hooked on your drug,
even if you made me like
shit I still put no on above.
"I love you" is a strong message
that I think failed to deliver,
yet I text back saying:
"What did I do wrong to deserve being belittled?".
Still no reply.
8:59 AM

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