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Is sex that important to everyone?
That climax that one hopes to reach.
The smell that emits when he's hammering away trying to hit that sweet spot.
But If you're a Virgin, you're inferior and if you're not, you're a whore.
Understandably, humans have needs and this falls into one of those categories.
It's just as important as eating and sleeping.
Have you noticed that it can change your whole mood?
I don't think you understand how much of an impact this makes in our daily lives.
The females act like they don't want it knowing that they'd kill for some dick,
With that little submissive look on their face.
Hoping to lure men in with their deep stares and lip biting.
With those little high waisted shorts.
Bending over in front of them "on accident".
And when we look, we're the ones in the wrong.
Men do this in a similar fashion as well.
All they have to do is give women that same look that they give to men.
Can't forget about the pickup lines.
It's a hit or miss with that kind of thing.
So can sex be linked to love?
The answer is yes and no.
What do you think a one night stand is?
A quick fix with no strings attached.
Something to take the urge off.
Only to roll over to see that you've snuck out of the porch window a few hours after.
Never to be seen again.
Unless it goes well, then maybe you'd be lucky to see a note left on the night stand.
Now if you're in a relationship with someone, yes there could be a connection made.
This could make you feel united as one person.
The passion flowing throughout both of you.
Until you both climax, falling into a deep sleep with smiles on both of your faces.
3:51 PM

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