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Everything vanished,
my mind was ravished,
our souls collide,
coincide, prance and glide
against the pale moonlight.

There are silhouettes of ecstasy,
consciously connected mentally,
we form fond melodies,
seductively smooth and velvety,
forging a sonnet of serenity.

Together we've found closure,
our souls satisfied,
finally allied,
full of euphoria;
mending our dysphoria.

In this lush plush we've found balance,
ending our intense ballad,
chiseling a powerful callous,
the embers of our souls burn dim,
so we ended with a hymn.

Our energy has coalesced,
falling into an appressed slumber,
the godly flux of thunderous rainfall
cries till' dawn rises,
brushing against the horizon.

2:52 PM

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