The Tale of a Lost Sail

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I'm beginning to lose control,
the sails won't hold much longer,
I sit and ponder,
if I don't do something,
we won't be here much longer.

I pace back and forth checking my radio,
we're losing valuable cargo,
I've lost my new chapeau,
we're beginning to spiral out of control.

the crew prays and slides like
a teacup ride at an amusement park,
"Don't worry, The ship is massive so
there's no chance of being capsized".

I have no other option but to dial SOS,
"mayday, mayday, we're in major distress
somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean,
interwoven between Puerto Rico and Bermuda".

The weaponry is being storm tossed,
the ropes holding the lifeboats uncrossed,
we will not become another one of
the 3 million ships lost.
I hear static arise from across the hold.

"We're on our way,
use your sonar and
steer clear from any islands,
when we're close you'll hear our sirens".

Thirty seven minutes later help has arrived,
our smiles were revived,
the crew surprised by how quickly they've arrived.
The ship is gone but everyone has survived.

"The Devil's Triangle was one hell of a ride",
but on that night the devil got denied,
I cheated death and high tides,
when I looked up their eyes were closed.
"I'm glad I managed to sail my way home".

12:12 PM

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