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You learn a lot throughout your lifetime.
Whether it be a language or finding what you feel is your purpose.
We as humans tend to have one thing in common.
We all want to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among the society we've built.
We want to "fit in".
As you're reading this you're probably thinking, "this isn't right at all" or "I don't mind not fitting in".
And I'm here to tell you that that is a lie.
We've all gone through that confusing chapter.
A lost soul trying to find themselves.
Mold themselves.
This process isn't too kind and could even leave you scarred.
But in those dark moments, you always come out of them with new knowledge.
New perspectives and understanding.
A prime example of this is the younger children in elementary school and perhaps even middle school.
Kids can be extremely cruel yet not realize what they're doing to the other person.
If you're not accepted amongst the "popular crowd", you're treated as an outcast.
A "loner" and a "weirdo".
This is a problem exists among adults as well.
Your job.
Within your family and your so called, "small circle of friends".
Even they're speaking about you behind your back.
And act like they're your best friend when it comes to face to face conversations.
And those who are closest to you judge you.
It's a normality nowadays.
I'm here to tell you that before seeking acceptance from others, you need to first accept yourself.
For who you are.
What you look like.
Your voice.
Your hair.
Your smile.
The color of your skin.
Love yourself.
The thing is, you don't need anyone's approval to figure out who you are.
Another thing is that materialistic items do not define you.
They don't make you.
But they can change you.
Never let others tell you what you should be like or how you should act.
Unless it's in your best interest of course.
Don't aim to please everyone.
Conformity is an issue in today's society.
It hinders those with creative minds.
It doesn't allow you to be yourself.
To express yourself.
So please aim to please yourself first.
It sounds kind of inconsiderate and even wrong but I'm here to be realistic and spread some wisdom and things that I've went through.
What I've experienced.
What I've perceived the world as.
Society as a whole.
It's crooked and a lot of people aim to deceive and hurt others.
You know who they are.
You may be speaking with them now.
Toxicity is not needed within your life.
It's too short to be annoyed and depressed all the time.
So take a deep breath.
Everything will be alright.
12:24 PM

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