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I've been looking for
someone to come through
and rescue me
from all the mystery,
misery and melancholy
down here in the deep blue sea.

My feelings were erratic
like a school of fish,
yet as delicate as
an angel's kiss.

My emotions run miles
below sea level like
the Mariana Trench,
but am I in denial about
finding someone
who I can give a
fair trial?

Just because the sea is
beautiful and blue,
doesn't mean that it isn't
full of snakes and sharks too.

There's billions of
fish in the sea
and it took time
to see that
although you had
other options,
you still chose me.

When I'm with you,
I'm no longer afraid
of the deep blue,
you've shown me how
beautiful this place is and
all of its glorious views.

You've made me realize that
the only fish I've
ever needed was you.

5:14 PM

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