Without a Goodbye

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I can pretend like I don't care,
But that would be a lie.
I'm in denial about my feelings.
It eats at my insides to the point where I can't think straight.
But I can't show them again.
To expose myself to false love and murder my pride.
I can't even look you in the eyes anymore.
That spark is dead.
That feeling I've always gotten when I looked at you is stale.
Withered down into a pile of ashes.
You know, at one point, deep down, I truly loved you.
I've cried over you countless times.
But what is that going to do?
It won't fix a damn thing.
What's that worth?
Perhaps a non sympathetic "Sorry".
It's too late for that.
I think it would be better if we've parted ways.
You're already driving me away.
I see your face disappearing in the rear view mirror.
Soon I'll be gone.
5:14 PM

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