The Box

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A little dream could turn into a painful nightmare.
So be careful of your dreams and aspirations.
Because all the wonder and commitment in the world may never get you there.
Begin to dream small.
Never be too harsh on yourself.
Bask in the greatness of your little milestones.
Because those milestones could turn into something life changing.
The quality of your life will excel.
Pay attention to all the signs and opportunities thrown at you.
Learn to say, "yes" more often.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Being shy and introverted puts you in a box.
A box that you don't want to be trapped in.
You may never know your true potential until you cut yourself free.
As for people, simply make the right decisions.
Positive energy will soon rub off on you and change you as a person.
Never pay attention to those who are envious and jealous.
They'll do everything in their power to drag you down.
Remember to stay afloat.
Don't let them see you when you're down and trying to bounce back.
Put a smile on and kill them with kindness.
For they can't stand a person who's on top of the world living their best life.
You see, that box will only drag you down.
Throw away that box and look ahead into your prosperous future.
1:01 PM

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