Reality Show

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Add on to the plethora of scars left by the heartless.
The inconsiderate souls who performed open heart surgery on my lifeless body.
Those who bolted away with it.
My heart still pulsing their clammy hands.
Never to be seen again.
Felt again.
Loved again.
Thanks for having me on the show.
For all the feelings you've faked.
I was too naive to notice from the beginning.
It was all a part of your sinister plot.
To see how far I would go to make you love me back.
You know, reel me in and keep me satisfied until I've lost interest.
Saying little things that give me hope but also keeps me guessing.
Stripping away my pride.
Turning my heart into ice flakes.
Leaving me cold hearted.
Altering me as a person.
Deceiving me with every word that you murmured.
Pushing me away like a shopping cart.
Declining my love like a failed transaction due to over drafting.
Guess I was Blinded by emotions.
But Thanks for having me.
Hope your audience enjoyed the show and your ratings went up.

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