"SHUT UP! Just shut up! I WILL shoot you again!"

"Go ahead I got nothing to lose." He huffed out.

"Oh you little-"


They both looked back at me. I still had my gun to Malachis head, but I had to think of a way to get Tom.

"He has a point. Damaged goods are no longer as valuable-"


"Shush. They're not as valuable, but are sold at a discount. So instead, you give him to me and you probably won't die tonight."

Malachi chuckled. "Your in no position to deal with me red! It's two to one."

"Might want to recount that General."

All heads turned to a bush.

"-hey! What the hell!" Alexander growled as he was pushed in front of us. Paul stepped out from the bunch and aimed his gun to Malachi.

I smirked. "You got the numbers correct, just not on the right side is all."

Malachi looked down to Alexander and growled. He looked back to me and gave a wide smile.

"No matter! I still have your friend! I've already shot him once and I'll do it again! He's already losing blood, wouldn't want to make him lose anymore now will we!?" Malachi laughed manically.

He was right. Tom was losing blood fast and needed to be bandaged up.

"Heh, I can handle a little blood loss." Tom panted. He's getting weak.

"Oh really now? Then how about I," he lowered his gun down to Toms thigh and shot them again. "Whoops!"

Tom hissed, then let out a shaky laugh, "I say do it again."

Jesus Christ! Tom is absolutely insane!

Malachi smirked, "Then I'll just-"

"No more!" I yelled.

Tom looked ready to pass out, I can't have him getting hurt more than he already was. I lowered my gun and Paul did the same.

Paul and I stepped forward. "Give him to us first."

Alexander spoke up. "No! Don't you fucking do it! We can still win!"

"Silence!" Malachi stepped forward with Tom towards us. He struggled a little sense Tom couldn't walk too well.

We were now only a few feet apart. Tom was panting from pain, I can't believe I let this happen.

Before another step could be taken,


As the sound of a gunshot rang in our ears, I turned to see Alexander pointing a gun. Paul swiftly pulled his gun out, shooting the gun out of his hand and wounding him.

I looked back to Malachi and Tom, but froze.

Tom sharply inhaled and blood bagan to drip from his mouth. At the center of his chest, a bullet wound was now oozing with blood.

Malachi didn't let go. "No. No Alexander you idiot!" He raised his gun and shot Alexander died in one shot.

Tom was now struggling to breathe and trying not to pass out.

Paul and I aimed for Malachi but he blocked himself with Tom.

"No one move! Take one fucking step and I'll end him here and now!"

I didn't know what to do. Tom was dying in the hands of the enemy and I couldn't do anything. If I didn't move, he would die, but if I attempt to even shot, he dies. There's no win in this!

Before anything could be said or done.


Malachis eyes widened as his grip on Tom completely loosened. Tom fell forward and I ran to catch him. Once I caught him, I looked up to Malachi and saw two bullet wounds in his stomach and chest. He fell to his knees before falling died in front of us. I looked behind him and saw Pat with his pistol aimed to Malachi.

"How?" I breathed out.

He held up Paul's phone. "Paul left earlier after he heard a crash and left his phone behind, when I answered his phone I heard what happened and tracked it back to here."

I let out a small laugh and smiled. I looked down to Tom who was in my arms. He was struggling to keep his eyes open while blood continued to flow from the bullet wounds. He was coughing up blood and I panicked.

I held him close into a hug not caring about getting blood on me and whispered to him. "Don't worry Thomas, everything's fine! Your gonna be fine!"

I heard him let out a small shaky laugh, before he went limp.



"Tom!" I pulled back when saw that he was unconscious. I looked for a pulse and found a very faint one. Tears threaten to fall but now wasn't the time.

"Paul! Pat! Do you have medical supplies in the plane!"

"Of course!"

"Then lets go!"

I picked Tom up bridal style and run alongside my soldiers.

For the love of god, I'm not letting you die Thomas!

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