Pt 33: worst day ever

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"Eventually, after many unnecessary brawls and power struggles, the vampires began to discuss the danger of our knowing, concluding that our existence was too dangerous for the security of their livelihood."

"Disgusting creatures," Billy exclaims, clearly infuriated.

"I normally wouldn't agree, but these Vampires, the Volturi, they are nothing but evil," I tell them seriously. "It hadn't been long before Alice informed Aro, the main leader, that she had seen us becoming vampires in one of her visions- that being the only way in which our lives would be saved..."

Almost instantly, Jacob jumped up from the chair he was sat on, growling and shaking in anger at my words.

"Control yourself and sit down," Sam ordered as Jacob struggled in submission, before finally sitting back down in a huff.

"After serious discussion and discomfort, Aro ordered Bella and Edward away, in acceptance of their terms, but ordered Alice and me to remain. Aro was not convinced from Alice's vision that I was any different to what I was then since on first glance you can't tell I'm any different. My life was put more and more in danger with every second spent in that room. I knew that there was no way I would be able to leave and ensure the safety of my friends and friends, especially Micah unless they had definite assurance and proof that I would become one of them."

"But how did you escape?" Emily asks.

"I promised that they could be the ones to change me," I practically whispered. "If I didn't, I would have ended up dead..."

"What?!" Paul raged as he stood up in anger, before being pulled back down into his seat, by a confused but authoritative Sam.

"You're telling us that you're a vampire? Right now?" Sam asks.

"Of course not," I exclaim in a huff, confused by how they had come to that conclusion. They each signed in relief, as Sam nodded for me to continue. "Anyway... How? I don't know, but it concluded in me standing before the oldest vampires in existence, promising them the right to change me themselves. Apparently, this amused, and somewhat shocked Aro, and as a result of that has become even more dangerous for me."

"When is this supposed to happen?" Billy asks with gritted teeth, clearly angered by the situation I had created for myself.

"I don't know," I say, causing them all to tense in heightened stress. "They wanted it to happen then and there but I wouldn't do it, and before we left, Aro swore that he would come for me- time and date, unclear."

"Surely there's something we can do," Em asks desperately. "She didn't ask for this!"

"She kind of did," Paul argues under his breath, causing each face to turn to him in horror.

"He's right," I say. "The only difference is that I 'asked for it' because the lives of my son and family were at risk. I never wanted this, and I never would have chosen it. Don't forget that I've had my life threatened by psychotic and narcissistic vampires that have no care for my life, let alone the greater good of humanity."

"I'm sorry," Paul mumbled.

"So you're gonna become one of them?" Embry clarifies.

"Well, the point of our meeting wasn't actually to just tell you about what happened in Italy," I tell them, as they look back at me with wide eyes.

"There's more? Seriously?" Jake asks.

"Well, I wanted to talk about the treaty..." I tell them, directing my attention towards Billy and Sam.

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