Pt 8: greenhouse

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This morning I wanted to put a little bit more effort into my appearance than I normally would, particularly seeing as though I'd be going on the date with Jasper straight after school. Having to take into consideration, the gloomy weather on Forks and the fact that he had mentioned hiking, I decided on my white skivvy, high waisted mum-jeans and my black puffer jacket. Throwing my hair in a half-up, half-down topknot and putting on some nude lipstick to my already done face.

I was so excited for today that I had managed to wake but before my alarm even went off, giving myself enough time to get ready before Bella had woken up and start breakfast for us all. Before I knew it, pancakes and bacon were ready and waiting for Dad and Bella to come downstairs. About 30 seconds later I hear two pairs of feet scurrying down the staircases as shocked and impressed faces appear around the corner and into the kitchen.

"Who are you and what did you do with my daughter?" Dad jokes as he walks straight towards the table to plate up his breakfast.

"Yeah..." Bella says hesitantly. "What happened to you?" She says looking between me and the table.

"I'm in a good mood is all. Ready and keen for this fine school day," I say pouring us all cups of coffee before walking towards the table to sit with the family.

"Did you forget we have the science excursion today?" Bella asks sceptically as Dad nods in agreement.

"Not at all. I'm ready to go whenever you are," I say, gesturing to my already packed backpack.

"But you hate science," Bella insisted.

"And?" I say forcefully, daring her to say another word. With that, Bella just rolls her eyes and starts eating her pancakes.

"Well, I'm not whinging. I'm liking the new change," Dad says with a mouth full of bacon.

"On that happy note, I won't be home tonight until later. I've got a date with Jasper Cullen." I say slowly, waiting for my Dad and sisters reaction.

Bella looks straight at me, her face seemingly surprised, whereas Dad swallows before pushing his plate away.

"I'm suddenly not hungry anymore," He says quietly.

"Oh come on. I made this especially for you," I say, letting the puppy dogs eyes do the trick. Dad just looks at me, seeming to be mentally arguing with himself. Charlie looks at me and then back to the breakfast prepared for him, before yielding.

Cheering, I look over to Bella whilst fist-bumping the air. Bella rolls her eyes with a giggle in response.

"So since when has this thing with Jasper happened?" Bella asks as we drive towards the school. We had not long ago left and are in a massive rush to catch the busses to the greenhouse.

"I don't know. It wasn't a thing and then it was a thing," I say innocently. "Anyway, less talking and more driving. We're late because of you."

Bella rolls her eyes at me as I laugh at her. The rest of the drive was spent in silence.

Once we got to the school, Bella and I went our separate ways, as she headed towards her friends and I walked over to Edward, Alice and Jasper.

"Hey guys," I greet them.

"Hi Soph," They each say as Jasper moves to stand next to me.

"Excited for the excursion?" I ask Jasper.

"Not as excited as I am for this afternoon," He flirts, causing me to blush.

"Oh please," Alice laughs.

"Hey, Soph?" Edward pipes up from a short distance away, coming to stand with us as a group again. Looking at him, he continues. "Are you going to Jacksonville any time soon?"

I raise my eyebrows at his strange question, as Alice and Jasper look at him with a glare.

"Ah, no? Why?" I ask suspiciously.

"No reason," He replies as he starts to head towards the school bus.

I look towards Alice and Jasper for clarification, only receiving shrugs and a small laugh from Alice, in return.

"Yo, yo, yo. Hey guys, come on," Mr Molines urges, gesturing towards the busses, as we each start moving onto them. "We gotta go, we gotta go. Green is what? Good. Let's go!"

The Cullens and I found ourselves on separate busses to Bella and her friends. I moved into a seat as Jasper squeezed in beside me before another person was given the opportunity, both Alice and Edward gracefully sliding into the seat behind us. Alice and Edward were quietly chatting between themselves, quite heatedly too, as Jasper passed me one of his earphones, and we spent the trip listening to Ruth Brown's 5-10-15 Hours.

Once we got there, Mr Molines took us through the Greenhouse, as he showed us the stages of fertilisation and green breakdown. I found myself zoning out for the majority of his speeches and instead spent the time getting to know the Cullen siblings better, seeing as though I hadn't spent any time with the three of them before yesterday.

I also spent much time observing Bella's interactions with Edward, as I knew Edward's bipolar decisions and dishonesty about the accident was really frustrating Bella. I knew Jasper and Alice had become aware of my watching them, as they each had caught me multiple times zoning out of our conversations to focus on my sister and her crush.

All in all, the entire excursion was entirely boring and if it hadn't been for Jasper and Alice, I probably would have started walking home, at this point.

We were all starting to gather onto the bus, as we caught up with Edward and Bella who were stood talking.

"Hi," Alice exclaimed, jumping up beside them. She seemed to have a tendency of doing that. "Will you be riding with us?"

"No, our bus is full," Edward interrupted, turning and walking back onto the bus. Alice following him on, as I intended on seeing whether Bella was okay.

Smiling at Jasper, he seemed to understand as he nodded, turning to walk onto the bus.

I turned towards Bella, pulling her in for a hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask her softly. "What on earth is happening?"

"I'm fine," she says, looking towards the bus window to where I imagine Edward is sat. When I don't respond, she looks back at me. Seeing my concern, she continues, "I promise. We'll talk about it when you get home. Have fun tonight," and with that, she gives me one final hug before turning to get on the other bus.

Oh boy, this is gonna be an interesting evening, I think getting on the bus to find my seat, as Edward watches me with a strange intensity.

Once we get back to the school, we all file of the busses as the Cullens and I walk towards Alice's and Jasper's car. After a quick hug from Alice and the silent treatment off of Edward, Jasper turns towards me and grabs my hand.

"Ready?" He asks with a smile, as I nod, promising myself that I won't let the concerns of Bella and Edward ruin my date with Jasper.

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