Pt 7: wonder

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Looking up at the huge mansion of a house, I found myself double-checking the address that Rose sent me. The glass-house, down to the smallest aspect of the build, was perfect. Surrounded by thick forest and secluded from the rest of the world.

Whilst obviously in awe of the architecture, the large wooden doors to the front of the house, were thrown open by Alice Cullen, her petite build seemingly engulfed by the extreme mass of the doors- admiring her strength and ease.

"Hi, Sophia!" Alice gushed, "I'm Alice. It's so great to meet you." She said as she reached to grab my hand, before ushering me through the doors and up the stairs, not giving me a chance to reply as I try not to fall over my feet.

"Guess whose here," Alice sang, catching the attention of the already expectant Cullen family, as she swung me around the corner into the living room.

"Alice!" Rose scolds as she rose from where she was sat with Emmette. "Give the girl a chance to breathe!"

Rosalie was looking stunning, the polar opposite of what I look like whilst lounging around the house. She wore a pair of dark blue jeans with a baby pink spaghetti strap crop top, a beautiful mauve cashmere cardigan and a pair of black strappy high heels. Even her blonde curled hair seemed to dance with each step.

"Hi, Soph, sorry about Alice," She said hugging me, noting how incredibly cold, both she and her sisters touches had been.

"No, no, it's alright," I say softly, before peering over her shoulder towards where the rest of the family was now stood. With a smile, I move over to introduce myself to Dr and Mrs Cullen.

"Hi, I'm Sophia Swan. It's lovely to officially meet you both," I say referring to today's situation with Dr Cullen and Bella, as I reach over to shake both of their hands. They too were incredibly cold, and it's not like its freezing inside the house. It was relatively nice.

"It's a pleasure, Sophia," Mrs Cullen says. "I am Esme and I believe you already know Carlisle. I'm sure you are already acquainted with that horrid lot over there," she jokes, gesturing towards Rose's siblings.

"Horrid? Not at all," I tease, "But yes, I've seen each of them at school, if not spoken to them. "

With a small laugh, Carlisle turns to me, "So, what is it you and Rose are having to do? An assessment for what subject?"

"It's for our design elective. We have to design and outline an event of our creation, before presenting it to the class."

"Well, that sounds interesting," Carlisle responds politely. "Esme and I are about to go out for dinner date, so you're more than welcome to hang around for as long as you wish."

"Thank you," I smile kindly. "Have a lovely time."

Carlisle and Esme wave at the rest of the kids as they walk down the hall, not before a chorus of bye and see ya later's were heard.

"Well," Rose starts as she turns towards me, "How about we try and smash out at least a plan tonight and then we can all regroup and watch a movie if you'd like?"

"Sounds great," I say, as I smile at the siblings, making eye contact with Jasper as he sits awfully quiet and alone on the loveseat, before following Rose towards another destination.

Rosalie and I managed to get an underlying idea and theme organised in groundbreaking time, whilst still joking and laughing with each other. We decided that we are going to create an event celebrating the opening night of a high-end art museum, set in Manhattan, and had already started creating an event portfolio and event-brief plan. After almost 40 minutes of work, we decided that we'd had enough before walking back into the living room where Edward was sat reading, and Emmett and Jasper were involved in an intense arm wrestle, breaking it as we walk back into the room.

"Don't stop on account of us," I tease causing the two boys to reply with a laugh.

Rosalie walked immediately towards Emmett as Jasper gestured me over to the couch with him. Blushing, I walked over and awkwardly settled into the seat next to him.

"How did the assessment go?" Jasper asks me.

"It went well," I say, "We got a lot done for such a short amount of time which is great."

"That's good," he replies. "Hey, I wanted to ask if Bella was alright after today?" Causing the three others to lift their head, awaiting my response.

"Um, I don't know in all honesty. No part of Bella gives away much," I joke, as Edward quietly grunts in agreeance, returning to his book. Ignoring him, I continue, "One thing about her though is that she is brutally honest and if she wasn't okay, she would tell me. So in saying that, I believe she is in no way more nuts than usual."

The four of us, minus Edward, laugh amongst each other, as Alice bounds into the room, causing me to jump in surprise.

"I've got movies!" Alice exclaimed as she moved towards the Tv, DVD's in one hand as the other turns the lights down using the remote.

We were about halfway through Clueless, one of my absolute favourites, which I shared with the two Cullen sisters when Jasper looks over at me, seeming to desire my attention.

"Hey, Soph?" He whispers, trying not to draw the attention of the group.

"Yeah?" I ask smiling up at him.

"Tomorrow night, would you by any chance be interested in going out with me? Maybe on a walk and then for a picnic," he asked slowly fiddling with his hands.

"I would love to," I gush, not needing to consider my answer.

Smiling in return, Jasper leans further into me as we turn back to watch the movie, not paying any attention to the rest due to being far too excited about what tomorrow will bring.

I had stayed at the Cullens for a few hours after the movie finished. I was starting to create a fairly strong bond with them all, as we discovered things we each had in common. For example, Rose and I were both extremely loyal and love the arts; Emmett and I loved sports, particularly the Chicago Cubs; Alice and I both love fashion, me designing it and she wearing it; Edward and I both love the classics- music, art, movies but particularly books, and Jasper and I both love history, travel and share the same ideas around business. We had spent a lot of time talking about my life, them each having many questions for me, particularly in relation to my time abroad and how that impacted my family life.

It was just before midnight when I noticed the time and decided I should head home, giving them each a hug, Jasper kindly escorted me out of the front door and to Bella's truck.

"Thank you again for having me here. I really enjoyed it," I say struggling to unlock the truck doors. Boy, I hate this thing.

After giving me a short laugh, Jasper takes the key from me, immediately unlocking the doors with no struggle at all.

"Do you have superpowers or something?" I joke placing my folders on the passenger seat.

"I wouldn't call it that," he says matter-of-factly, before laughing, his eyes telling another story.

"Right, well I better head home and get a proper nights sleep before tomorrow's excursion," I say rolling my eyes.

The senior science class had a combined excursion with the juniors, meaning Jasper and I were going to be with Alice, Edward, Bella and her friends all day. Just another reason why I love a small school, not.

With a small chuckle, Jasper responds, "Yes, we just need to get through the day and then we can have a great night," causing me to blush with his forwardness. "Don't bother to go home after the excursion tomorrow. I'll bring my car and we can go straight from school."

"Sure," I say trying to resist giggling myself silly. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then." As I get in the driver's seat and close the truck door.

"Until tomorrow," He replies as I start the ignition, and wave my hand out the window as I turn to start down his driveway, watching his silhouette in the rearview mirror.

I think it is now pretty clear that I'm crushing on that boy. Crushing bad.

desiderium- Jasper HaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin