Pt 41: sorry dad

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"Is that safe?" Bella asks breaking the comfortable silence between us.

Bella and I had been sat there for a short while, watching Jasper as he tried to capture Micah's attention on the forest outside the kitchen. My mind hadn't even thought about Micah's safety as Jasper stood with him outside on the branch of a tree just outside the window. 

"Not for the average child," I laugh catching Jaspers attention as his face perks towards me. "But with parents like us, Micah is going to experience many things that a mummy blog would preach against." 

Bella and I laugh as she realised her immediate concerns were futile. 

"You're not wrong," Bella says with a smirk before the silence falls over us again. 

"How is he?" I ask, as my sister looks over at me, understanding my question. 

"He's alright. He was very confused and scared at first, particularly when he found out that Micah wasn't with you," She says. "But. Carlisle was a saving grace- Dad definitely respects him."

"Oh, I didn't know that," I say, relieved that he was okay. 

"He was so stressed you were going to die," Bella says. "I was too."

"I know, I'm sorry," I say seriously. 

"When do you think you'll be able to see him?" She asks as my response gets interrupted.

"We can do that today," Jasper says as he steps through the door, Micah asleep in his hands. "I'm sure it'll be fine as I'll be there and we all know Edward will want to be also."

"But what about the eyes?" Bella asks. "And perfect health? Surely he'll see right past the fact that he thought you were dying only a few days ago."

"True," I say, thinking. "Alice!" I call out, my head craned towards the door.

Not only a second later, my new sister comes waltzing through the kitchen doors, two suitcases held intently by her sides. 

"I thought you would never ask!" Alice exclaims as the suitcases get slammed down on the table excitedly. "You used to wear contacts yes?" She asks as I nod my head at her. "Then this is going to be easy!"

Almost five hours had passed before I was sitting in the front seat of Jasper's car, Bella and Edward parked in front of us, as I just stared up at the house that had been home for so long. 

I suddenly became nervous and stressed, not because of the fear of the blood, but instead because I felt overwhelmed with responsibility for hurting him. 

"Your hands are flickering," Jasper tells me as I look down at my fading fingers. "Can I help you?" 

I nod softly at Jaspers questions as I suddenly feel peace falling over me, my hands returning back to its solidity. 

"I used to be that girl," I say, my eyes still trained on the front door. "I used to be the girl who would up and leave without a seconds notice- leaving the baggage to the family left behind... When I moved here, I promised Dad that I wasn't going to be that girl again- that I was going to become the responsible adult that he had always wished I was... and I did too. When everything was going on with Bella, I was the one who picked up the slack and made sure Charlie was going to be okay... I was the one who could make him understand what was happening."

"And now you feel like you're leaving him in the dark?" Jasper says as I nod my head at him, my eyes tearing up a little as the contacts start to feel even more uncomfortable. "Charlie is a fully grown adult, Soph, and so are you. There comes a time when a father needs to let go of his daughter, and a daughter needs to let go of her father... And as well as that, there are going be many things that Charlie is never going to be able to understand- we have to get used to that."

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