Pt 42: no right

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"Woah," Bella laughs as she drops to the ground. 

Bella had asked if we could go for a walk, but Esme, being who she was, decided that the family needed some quality time together and so after dropping Micah off with Charlie, we each found ourselves soaring through the woods. 

It was nice to have these moments with Bella. It almost felt like life was back to normal, although this time, instead of holding onto Jasper for dear life, they were all having to keep up with me- I was even managing to give Edward a run for his money

"Come on Bella," Emmett smirks. "Better get used to it. Soon, we'll be trying to keep up with you too."

Each of us, minus Edward and Rosalie of course, laughed at Emmett's words before we each suddenly halted. Our laughter was quickly gone and replaced by the sounds of growls in the distance. The growls seemed so loud that our heads, Bella's included, snapped in the direction of across the treaty line and into Quilette land. 

"Shit," Jasper snarls as he pushes closer to me, his protective instincts raging within. Each of us became highly alerted as Edward, too, shoved Bella behind him. 

"You okay?" Bella whispers, noting all of our anxious and uncertain responses. 

I slowly nodded my head in acknowledgment of her question. I was stressed and uncomfortable with the idea of seeing any of the Pack members again- they'd hurt me more than anyone else in the world and I wasn't about to forgive them, let alone how they were going to react to my new being. 

"They know we are here- they've picked up our scent," Edward says as he looks over at Carlisle. "They know there's an unrecognised scent with us and they're coming to see. What do we do?"

"We have no choice but to stay," Carlisle says. "They know something is different... It was only a matter of time before they found out about Sophia."

"But it's too soon," Rosalie whispers, her eyes not leaving the forest opening. 

"There's not enough time," Carlisle explains. "It would be more suspicious if we were to run."

"Carlisle's right," I say as I instinctively take a deep breath. 

My hand reaches out for Jasper as he stares at me knowingly. Instantly feelings of confidence and security came over me as my clouded mind became clear once more. 

"Bring it," I whisper as the stomping of paws on the dirt floor could be heard from a few miles away. They were drawing close and I knew it would only be a moment longer before I was confronted by that of my past. 

Not a second later, five wolves appeared from behind the tree wall as I instantly recognised each of them. 

They seemed to be scanning through us all before each of their heads seemed to halt on me and my close quarters to Bella. 

Jacob growled as Bella grabbed my hand once more. The other wolves following in suit, their mouths open, only to reveal their huge and intimidating canines. Saliva dripped from their mouths as the angry wolves looked like they were about to pounce. 

"Bella is in no danger," Carlisle calls out to them, as the eyes of the wolves do not leave my own.

"They don't believe you," Edward says, warningly. 

"Sam, why don't you phase back so we can have a proper discussion," Carlisle says again, hoping to get something back. 

"He won't," Edward says. "They say it's not safe when around a newborn."

I felt my breathing halt at Edwards words. I didn't think I could become any more detached  or offended by them as the anger started to rage within me. 

"They demand a meeting. They want to discuss the breach of the treaty," Edward whispers, hesitation clear in his words. "They also want to discuss the threat that Sophia is for the humans..."

"Sophia is no threat," Carlisle says seriously. "You can clearly see as such right now. She is extraordinarily gifted and has very little desire, if any at all, for blood- particularly that involving any essence of violence- animals included. We can assure you that she will not risk the safety of any person within the community and is being taught of the Treaty and it's boundaries."

"What about the meeting?" Edward translates as he looks over at me. 

"Why would I ever care to meet with you," I yell clearly, confidence and fury obvious in my expression. "You chose to abandon me. We owe you nothing." 

Jacob and Embry both flinched at my words, moving their eyes to the ground as I spoke. I knew that they were unsure of the position I was put in- it was clear that night. But they didn't even stand up for me, and because of that, they were just as bad. Unlike the others, neither Paul or Sam falted at my words or stare, their snarls still prominent on their expression.

"You are in no position to demand anything from us," I yell again, my voice even louder. "There has been no breach of the Treaty permitted by the Cullens, and you will not treat them as if otherwise."

"They don't believe you," Edward says, frustration clear through his tone. I could tell Edward wasn't sharing with us the entirety of what they were saying, and I'm sure only to preserve me, and in a way, Bella too. 

"The Cullens never did anything wrong," I say firmly. "And if you think for a moment that you have any grounds to hurt or break treaty with them, you are sorely mistaken. Instead, it was in fact each of you- the Pack- and the result of your incompetency to protect humans whilst on Quilette land, let alone the surrounding areas, that resulted in me being attacked by a nomad vampire and held captive for days." 

My truth seemed effective in its attempt at putting them in their place. Although I felt manipulated into sharing information with those I didn't want knowing anything about me, I had recognised the importance of doing so. 

The wolves snarls disappeared from their faces as they looked over us all, attempting to determine whether what I was saying was the truth. 

"If your elders wish to discuss further of the ways in which you have each failed in your mission of protecting the innocent," Carlsile starts, "They are welcome to go through me... As for any and all communication between yourselves and Sophia, that will be done so on her terms. We will not, in any way, tolerate invasive or manipulative behaviour from yourselves or any members of the Quilette tribe in relation to this sensitive and personal situation."

Silence came over the two groups as we stood there tensely. I felt overwhelmed with anger as my hands started to flicker, desperate to remove myself from this traumatic experience. 

"Edward?" Carlisle says, his eyes not leaving the wolves as each head was still trained on me. "I'm sure it is time for us to leave now. Would that be a good idea?"

"Yes. I believe so," Edward says, turning towards me. "They're confused... Take Bella and go whilst we have time."

Quickly, I grab Bella by the hand, dragging her at a human speed towards the opening to the clearing. Rosalie and Esme right behind us as the others stayed to ensure the wolves didn't cross treaty lines. 

"Get on, Bella," I tell her as she jumps on my back, getting ready to run back to the house.

"Well, hasn't this been fun," Rose states sarcastically as we each ignore her comment. 

All I intended on doing was getting my son and making sure that this newfound issue between us and the Quilette tribe was not going to drive us out of Forks.

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