Pt 30: to die or not to die

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"That's true," Aro says, sighing, as Bella grabs my hand in hers. "Felix..."

"No!" Edwards growls as he flips Bella away from Felix's view, the biggest man from upstairs, shoving her into me, before pouncing on him.

Almost too suddenly, Alice too runs for Edward before the other vampire from upstairs clutched her around the neck. Distracted from what was happening with Edward, Bella yelps as she clutches my hand tightly, turning around to find Edward slammed into the hard marbled ground, the rock shattered around his body.

"Oh my god," I whisper, watching as his body seemed so lifeless.

In a blink of an eye, Felix stands, spinning to face Bella and I with a snarl, walking towards us like one would its prey. 

Bella's hand tensed around my fingers, cutting off all blood circulation. I could tell she was terrified, so was I, but most of all I was furious. 

I felt myself preparing to call something out... to speak against such horrid and inhumane behaviour before everything seemed to suddenly change. Edward slammed himself against Felix's waist, before being thrown away, and crashed into the wall. Felix's hand came crashing down on the marble seat above Edwards's head as Bella called out in pain. Grabbing her, I shoved her further behind me as Felix and Edward continued to brawl before it all suddenly stopped. Felix had Edward knelt before Aro and his two stooges, his hand around his neck, ready for his next order. 

"You're all monsters," I scream, Bella hyperventilating next to me as I stared Aro dead in the eyes. "Each of you are some of the oldest beings on earth... The cultural and technological advancements you've each been involved in and been blessed to experience, and yet your behaviours and traditions are savage and ancient- Your entire way of working is inferior to the ways of life!" 

The entire room was dead silent as every vampire's eyes were staring dead at me, each clearly insulted by my statement. 

Felix tightened his hand around Edward's throat as he groaned in pain, causing Bella to tear away from my side. 

"Please, no!" Bella screams. "No, no, please!"

Aro, lifts his hands, gesturing for Felix to stop, as he turns back to look at Bella. 

"Kill me," Bella says, surprising us all. "Kill me. Not him."

"Bella," I warn her, staring at Aro with fury infiltrated towards him. 

"How extraordinary," Aro starts. "You would give up your life... for someone like us? A vampire. A soulless monster," He continues, looking at me, before turning his head back to Bella.

"Just get away from her," Edward huffs, unable to move due to Felix's restraint. 

"You don't know a thing about his soul," Bella says.

Mumbling something in Italian, he turns towards Edward.

"This is a sadness," Aro murmurs, gesturing towards Edward. "If only it were your intention to give her immortality..."

Turning back to face Bella, he moved towards her menacingly as I grab her, pushing Bella behind me, only causing Aro to growl more. 

"Wait!" Alice squeaks, as I turn to face her, her body restrained also my another one of the guard, his hand around her throat. "They will be one of us... I've seen it."

I stare at Alice in disbelief, uncertain about the truth of her statement. 

"I'll change her myself," Alice continues, making Edward flinch in internal pain. 

desiderium- Jasper HaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin