Pt 16: nice rides & new threats

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Walking through the front doors, knowing Bella was home, I was overwhelmed by sudden nerves. Totally and utterly scared of her reaction. 

As I climb the stairs, reaching Bella's door, I take a deep breath before knocking lightly. Opening the door, I peer my head into the room, my eyes immediately catching sight of Bella sat on her desk chair, facing the door expectantly. 

"Hey B," I say nervously. "How are you doing?"

"Good, now," She says bluntly, making me take a deep breath in.

"That's good. How'd your conversation go with Edward?"

"Fine," She says. After a long pause, she continues, "How long have you known?" 

"Around a month," I say quietly, fiddling with the sleeves to my shirt. "Are you angry at me?"

Bella takes a deep breath. 

"No," She says. "I was a little insulted at first, but I understand now."

"Okay... cool," I say hesitantly. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"How'd you find out?" Bella asks as she gestures for me to take a seat on the edge of my bed. 

"Intuition. The Cullens filled in all the blanks."

"Right. So you and Jasper are mates?" She asks.

"Yeah, I guess so," I tell her blushing. 

Bella and I talked for a while longer, mostly about how today had gone between Bella and Edward before we separated to our respective rooms. I couldn't wait to get in bed. Today had been huge, and I knew I was going to sleep like a baby. 


The next few days were quite interesting as a means of readjusting to Bella knowing about the Cullens. Even the fact that we had another person amongst the group was strange to get used to. It was nice though, knowing I didn't need to hide the ins and outs of my relationship from my sister. It felt like a fresh start for us. 

Bella had been officially introduced to the rest of the Cullen's the day after she found out and final exams were right around the corner, so I had been feeling very overwhelmed. 

I had spent every free second studying my vocabulary lists, literary quotes and mathematical formulas. I don't think I have ever felt so much stress in my life, but I also had to admit that I was feeling quite confident in myself.


School had just finished, and I was very excited about the coming weekend and being able to relax a little before exams start on Wednesday. 

The Cullens had invited Bella and I to their Baseball game this evening as Alice says that the weather will be perfect. 

Unfortunately, I have a study group that I promised I would be at, and so I will be late to the game. Thankfully, Jasper has lent me his car for the day so that I won't have to drive Bella's awful truck to Aaron's and then to the field. 

"Hey babe," Jasper says, as I meet him and the rest of the Cullens at their cars. 

"Hi Jazz," I greet, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you for lending me your car. I already feel powerful," I tell him winking at him. He just laughs at me, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank God for that," Emmett smirked, as he jumps in the passenger seat of Rose's convertible. "That truck of Bella's is absolute trash." 

"Hey!" Bella interrupted. "Lay off the truck." 

desiderium- Jasper HaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora