pt 6: klutz

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It has been a few days since Bella and I first started school and life at home had started to become quite uneventful. Dad was hardly around seeing as though he was still busy with work and the number of animal cases which were continuing to rise. Bella was also getting more and more frustrated because she had still not been able to confront Edward Cullen, as he has been a no-show since. 

Due to this, I found myself spending more time in my room, decorating, doing school work and messaging friends in England. As well as that, seeing as though I wasn't intending on always sitting with Bella and her extremely irritating friends, I needed to branch out and work a little harder on making friends in my year group. Surprisingly, I had been relatively successful as I had managed to make a few friends, including Rosalie Hale who was in my Design Elective. 

"He's here," Bella whispered, turning the engine off and looking off towards where the Cullen family park their cars. Already, Bella was observant of them. 

Putting my earbuds in, I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car and started to walk towards my first class of the day. All that I allowed myself to concentrate on was Dancing in the Moonlight, by Toploader, leaving Bella, and everyone else, in the dust. 

My Design class was going slower than usual. Mrs Alexander had allocated pairs for our first assessment, and luckily I was paired with Rosalie. For the assessment, we are expected to create a themed event of our choosing, ensuring that we have every aspect of the planning and decorating processes planned out, and then we must present the report to the class. 

"I was wondering, would you be interested in coming to my place this evening to start on the assessment?" Rosalie asked from the seat next to me. 

"Ah, yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."

"No problem. Here's my number. Text me and I'll send you the address," Rosalie says passing me a slip of paper. 

"Sure," I say with a smile. 

After Design, the rest of the day flew and before I knew it, it was already lunch. In saying that though, I was definitely in a better mood knowing I'd be hanging out with Rosalie later this evening, and if I'm totally honest, I was hoping that I would be properly introduced to Jasper so that I could actually talk to him, rather than just steal glances at him whenever I had the opportunity. 

"Soph!" Aaron yelled from the other side of the cafeteria. He, Stacey, Laura and Jensen were all huddled around a table, each waving me over. 

Waving at them in response, I quickly grab an apple before making my way over to the table.

"Hello," I look up and meet eyes with Jasper Hale- an actual angel- the boy I've had literal dreams about for the last three nights in a row. He looked at me with the most beautiful smile- I forgot how to breathe.

Oh, ah, h-hi," I stutter, mentally cursing myself for my inability to speak to the godlike creature in front of me. 

"I heard you were going to be coming over this evening and I just couldn't wait to introduce myself to you," he stepped closer, offering out his hand to me, "I'm Jasper Cullen, Rose's twin."

I reach out to shake his hand, "Um, it's nice to meet you too, Jasper. I'm Sophia Swan."

"Bella's sister, right?" He asks, "I believe I have heard Alice and Edward talking about her once or twice."

"Yep, that'd be me," I laugh, "The one and only."

"Well, Sophia, I won't interrupt your lunch any further. Hopefully, we will be able to talk more this evening," Jasper maintained. With a smile and a nod, my dream boy turns around and walks back to his table as all of his family smirks at him.

desiderium- Jasper HaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin