pt 62: tension

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"Ma'am," Jasper interrupts as Charlie, Billy, Sue, Seth and I all stand together, my back to him as Seth and I laugh along to Sue's retelling of a very drunken night out that they all had as teenagers.

The laughter halts, as each of us, turn in the direction of his voice.

"Yes?" I ask with a flirty smile, watching as he reaches his hand out in invitation.

"May I have this dance?" He asks, letting out his thick southern accent which he knew always got me going.

"Of course," I chuckle, reaching my hand out to take his as my body slides into his in a soft embrace.

"I do apologise," Jasper says to the group. "But, I must steal my wife from you."

Without caring for a response, Jasper swoops me onto the dancefloor, my body following his as he leads me in the waltz, not before hearing a very quiet, "That wouldn't be the first time," from Charlie.

"Do tell me you have some idea where our son is?" I laugh, my eyes darting around the reception.

"He's with Rosalie," Jasper replies with a smirk. "But anyway, can I not have one dance's worth of attention from my wife?"

"Of course, you can," I laugh at him as I stare up into his eyes. "I love you," I whisper to him.

"And I love you," He whispers back, his hands tightening around my waist before he leans in closer to my ear. "Wanna get out of here?"

I couldn't help but let out a deep laugh as eyes darted in our direction from all around.

"You gave up our cover," Jasper playfully whines, an almost non-existent smirk on his face.

"I can't believe you suggested such a thing," I laugh, my voice once again low to ensure even the vampires and shapeshifters couldn't hear either. "You'd think you were being deprived!"

"I just love you," Jasper whispers with a wink, before lowering his head into the nook of my neck- placing a small and gentle kiss just below my ear. "... and I can't get enough of you."

There was no way I was able to prevent the small moan from leaving my mouth, my head towards the sky and my eyes softly closed, before what felt like all reality come crashing back down on me, as Jasper pulls away- a smirk plastered firmly on his face.

"You get me so angry, sometimes," I say seriously, my voice flat as I try to quench my emotions, only causing his smirk to grow.

"Ahh," He exclaims, laughter ripping from within him. "You see? The teasing hurts!"

"I don't tease you!" I announce, my voice much louder than expected as I see many a turned head, each holding a smirk of their own.

I couldn't help but hide my head in Jasper's chest at the embarrassment of my announcement.

"Your every breathing moment is teasing," Jasper whispers into my ear, almost seriously.

My breath hitched in my throat as I looked up at him, the warmth from a blush evident on my cheeks.

"Sounds painful," I whisper almost instinctively, causing Jaspers eyes to widen in surprise before a smirk grows once more. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded!" I plead.

"Then how did you mean it?" He pushes, my cheeks only getting hotter.

Almost instantly interrupting my broken thoughts, my body halts as anxiety builds in danger warning. Jasper too, stops, instantly moving me to the side of the dancefloor as he feels my emotions.

"Where's Bella and Edward?" I whisper immediately, my eyes darting impossibly around the backyard.

"Edward's dancing with Rosalie," Jasper tells me calmly before almost immediately Edward appears next to me.

"Where's Bella?" I whisper urgently, grabbing Edwards arm.

"She's with Jacob," He says, looking towards behind the house, as I immediately speed walk in that direction- trying not to draw any undesired attention to me.

"Jacob, let me go!" Bella shouts as I turn around the corner, my speed picking up, as I crash into Jacob, his body bracing expectantly.

"What did you do?" I shout at him, Edward and Jasper appearing next to us, as Jacob's body shakes with anger.

"Jacob," Edward starts as Jasper pushes me away from the shapeshifter. "Calm down, all right?"

"Are you out of your mind? Huh?" Jacob argues, staring Edward down as I grab Bella, instinctively placing her behind me. "You'll kill her!"

I couldn't help the growl that dragged from my throat at the threat of Bella's life, Jasper once again grabbing me as he attempts to calm me.

"What's wrong?" He whispers to me, concern in his voice as I stare over at him at Jacob aggressively.

Not a second later, Seth appears, trying to grab at Jacob to tear him away from where he stood over Edward, attempting to intimidate him.

Shoving Seth off of him, Jacob keeps encroaching on Edward and Bella.

"Jackob, you better back off," Jasper says warningly, his attention darting between him and my piercing red eyes.

"Jake!" Multiple other voices exclaim, appearing from the forest opening, grabbing Jacob and dragging him along with them.

I couldn't even focus on who they were as I stared after him, Jasper soon stepping into my direct line of sight, Bella and Edward watching on in concerned interest.

"Soph..." Jasper says, shaking my shoulders to get my attention. "Deep breath..."

Following suit, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"What was that?" Jasper asks, looking me over. "Are you okay?"

"What's wrong?" Bella asks, stepping towards me, as her hand touches my back.

I instantly calmed as I registered her presence, my eyes breaking as I looked over at my sister.

"Are you okay?" I ask her seriously, my voice stern as my eyes scan her body for any harm.

"I'm fine, honestly," Bella says urgently, looking between Jasper, Edward and me. "Nothing happened."

"When was the last time you fed?" Jasper asks as I look back at him.

"I don't know..." I whisper, wracking my brain for an answer. "Last week, I think... I don't know. I've been so busy with the wedding and Micah, I can't remember."

"Come on," Jasper says, gesturing towards the house. "Let's get you something to drink. It might help how you're feeling."

"Jasper," Bella calls, as I start to walk towards the house. "What's wrong with Soph? What happened?"

"I don't know- I honestly think she's just hungry," Jasper says, looking between his brother and Bella. "But I've never known Soph's emotions to get so scattered and heightened all at one time... not even as a human."

"But irregular emotions normally trigger her invisibility," Edward urges. "Her body wasn't even flickering?"

"I have no idea," Jasper finishes, before turning towards the house, only a split moment later, appearing beside me- his arms around mine as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I ask him, my eyes unable to meet his.

"Never," Jasper promises.

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