pt 44: I love you, Jasper Hale

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"You are amazing," Jasper tells me as he collapses next to me on top of our bed.

Although we hadn't been out long, I felt mentally and emotionally drained by the outcome of the day, no matter how successful.

"I love you," I tell him as I roll over to look him dead in the eyes.

"And I love you," He says as his hand moves to gently touch my cheek. "I can't even begin to believe how lucky I am to have you."

"Ah," I giggle. "From what I have heard from Emmett and Rose, you were having a nice ol' time living the bachelor life!"

"I don't remember it," He smirks cheekily. "And either way, if I had any idea that you were what I was getting, there would have been no possible way I could have been so patient..."

"Do you think if I had never decided to come home, that we would have still met?" I ask him seriously as I sit up to look at him properly.

"Soph, I would have searched the face of the earth for you if I had even an inkling that you were waiting," Jasper tells me, his lips moving to gently kiss my jaw as my breaths halted in my throat. "My soul yearned for you, Sophia Swan... I could not have waited much longer... I would have searched for you- I would have found you and we would still find ourselves here. We were made for each other, Soph- destiny doesn't wait for us... it barges into our lives when we least expect it and forces us to take the reigns."

I couldn't help it as a single tear slipped from my cheek- my heart desperate for all things him. I had always told myself that a boy could never be the answer, but here and now, I realised something good and true. Jasper and I would forever be the answer- we were each others forever. One I would never give up for anything in this world.

"I'm so glad you came home to me, Jaz," I say as his lips slowly make its way to mine.

"I'll never be away from you ever again," He says, pulling away from me, only to have me gravitate closer- desperate to be one, to share a soul, to share a mind. I wanted Jasper with me forever... almost selfishly, I promised myself that I'd never go another day without him.

"I want you to be mine forever," I tell him as his smile widens. "I- I want to be yours, forever... I want to love you every day for the rest of eternity- sharing both the joys and pains of life. I want to spend every day choosing each other... choosing to fight for each other and to fight for the blessing that is our family."

"Marry me," Jasper whispers as I look at him, his eyes big and kind. "Marry me."

"I love you," I whisper as my hands move to his cheeks. "I love you so much... yes!"

Not a second later, Jasper's lips were on mine as we found each other. I wished time would still as we dwelled in the excitement of our future- together and beautiful.

You, Jasper Hale, are my happily ever after and I love you more than words could ever say.

I couldn't help but laugh as Jasper and I stared at each other, watching the cheesy grin that was planted firmly on my fiances face. Neither of us knew what day or time it was- fulfilled and satisfied, longing only for that of time spent with our son.

As Jaz steps out of the bed, taking the sheet with him, I shiver from the temperature in the room, my naked body curling together from the vulnerability of being on such display.

"Jasper!" I scold as he turns to look at me with a small laugh.

"Sophia, there's nothing I haven't seen before- there's no need to hide your body from me," He says as he stands, leaning against the ensuite door.

"Jasper," I huff, rolling my eyes. "I'm curled up because you've left me with no blankets. It's cold!"

"Oh," Jasper laughs as he comes back over to the bed, practically jumping on top of me as our bodies mould together as if they were designed perfectly for one another. "Maybe I can warm you up."

"Is that so?" I laugh as he kisses along my jawline, travelling to my lips.

"Um... Soph? Jasper?" Esme calls from outside the door, as I accidentally shove Jasper off me from the surprise of his surrogate Mum's voice.

Landing on the floor, Jasper moves up from the ground with an unimpressed look of his face.

"Sophia! That hurt!" He whines as he rubs his hip bone.

"Whoops, sorry," I tell him slyly, as I gesture for him to see what Esme needs, as I run off towards the walk-in closet to throw on some clothes.

"Soph needs to decide what she wants to do," Esme says as I listen in on her and Jaspers conversation.

"Does she even have a choice?" Jasper says sternly, causing me to hurry my pace.

"Not without a fight," Esme hesitates as I rush towards the door, moving the door out of the way so I can look at Esme properly, only to see worry and hesitation plastered on her face.

"What is it?" I ask her confused.

"Sam and a few of the elders are here," Esme says. "They're here to speak with you."

"Why can't you just tell them to leave?" I ask, angry at the breach of privacy and disrespect.

"They won't go without a confrontation," She persists. "Carlisle is doing all he can but we need you to talk to them- please, for the sake of the family."

I stared at Esme, surprised at her desperation and urgency of the request. It wasn't in her nature to get involved in the arguments and fights unless particularly necessary. Although I knew I needed to do something, I couldn't help but wish I could just escape out the window.

I look up at Jasper before looking back at Esme.

"Okay," I say strongly. "Lead the way."

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