Pt 55: war

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"I can feel it," I whisper as I look over at Alice. "They're almost here."

The seven of us stood in a small clearing of the forest as we stared ahead. No matter how much training I had been given, no matter how many tips and tricks Jasper gave me, no part of me felt ready for what was to come. 

"Soph," Jasper says, his voice quiet but strong. "It's time. Stay close to one of us at all times as to not draw attention, and most of all, do not get hurt."

No words could leave my lips as I allowed my mind to dwell on his words, the only recognition of my acknowledgement was in the short nod offered as his eyes stayed trained on the tree line. I allowed my body to draw out the tingle that I had grown so accustomed to by now. I felt it in the tips of my fingers as it started to spread up my arms. The intense stress and anxiety that raged within me helping my gift spread further. 

Before I knew it, I looked down at the soft glow that covered my being, only quickly confirming my appearance, or lack thereof, as the footsteps of an army could start to be heard. 

They weren't far at all.

I watched the treeline tore away as the hoards of newborns broke from its covering. They were fast. Much faster than I expected. 

But they didn't know about me and they didn't know about the Pack. They had no idea who or what was coming.

My attention stayed on the newborns ahead of us as I charged forward with my family, Jaspers words playing throughout my mind. 

"In the beginning, focus on your own fight. The newborns will be so manic that they won't be focused on why others are going down with no one to blame. Once the fight becomes more structured, fill in where is needed."

As the family dealt with the front line, I keep myself focused on getting to the back... where nobody would notice or even care to pay attention. My fist came in impact with the oncoming Newborns, as I flipped behind them, sure to be quick in their moment of confusion. I allowed the anger to rage through me as I focused on the safety of my sister and son.

Jasper was right. I could feel my newborn instincts push forward as my body fought in strategies outside of my training. 

It was almost like an out of body experience as I raced towards Emmett, watching as he barged between the newborns, throwing them in opposite directions as they landed harshly on the ground. I used their anger and disorientation to my advantage as I wrapped my arms around their heads, snapping their necks as I raced to the next newborn.

In my subconscious, I could hear the roars of the wolves as they made themselves known to the newborns. So many of them paused in fear creating room for both the Cullens and the wolves to attack. 

"When the wolves make themselves known, focus on the newborns who are lagging behind- use their hesitancy to your advantage. Don't allow yourself to get trusting or empathetic. If it were one of us they wouldn't be concerned in the least."

Thinking Jaspers words through, I drew my attention to a newborn vampire, turning to run in the opposite direction of the wolves. Chasing after him, I pounce on his back, once again twisting my arms around him and tearing his head from his body. 

Using the advantage of being unseen, I took only a moment to watch the battle. It was clear as day that we were winning. There were newborn bodies everywhere as the wolves tore into them, proving their power. 

It was then that I noticed in the corner of my eye, a woman with long red locks. Turning in her direction more intentionally, I watch as she raced away from the scene. Victoria

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