Pt 46: family time.

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Eclipse (officially... lol)

"Hey, Bell," I call out as I barge into her bedroom, Micah on my hip as he smiles giddily at his aunt. 

"Shit," Bella exclaims quietly as she swings in her chair to face us both. "You scared me."

"That language scares me," I smirk at her.

"Ha Ha Ha," Bella mocks with a roll of her eyes before standing and reaching for Micah. "Hello Micky, how are you today?"

I always thought it was quite amusing watching both Bella and Micah's relationship unfold. Bella was very clearly awkward around babies which resulted in her talking to him as she would to an adult, and yet Micah still very obviously adored his aunt. 

"So I've got news..." Bella says, her attention still on my son as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"And what would that be?" I ask nonchalantly, fiddling with my car keys. 

"Edward proposed," My sister responds casually, as my fidgeting immediately stops, my eyes trained solely on my sister's expression.

"And?" I exclaim impatiently. 

"Oh right..." Bella says looking up at me. "I said no."

"Why?" I ask bewildered, confused by her actions. 

It was legit only months ago that the girl was mourning their relationship and now she's turning down proposals... 

 "Because I don't want to get married right now," She says. "People will think I got pregnant."

"Since when do the Swan sisters care what people think?" I tell her. "And I was a Mum not much older than you are now so I would be careful about your words."

"It's a very different situation," Bella says rolling her eyes at me again. "And anyway, Edward won't change me, and so I won't marry him."

"That isn't the most healthy excuse I've ever heard, but whatever," I tell her with a smirk. "Are you still grounded?"

"Yeah, about that," Bella says, placing Micah on the ground as he reaches for the old teddy bear Bella and I had when we were kids. "Dad got insulted when I got home from being with Edward at the time I was supposed to get home... He thought that Edward was "brown-nosing" him..."

"Classic," I say with a smirk. 

"AND Dad's also trying to create distance between Edward and me... He thinks it would be good for me," She says, clearly agitated by the situation. "Charlie's forcing me to spend time with old friends."

"Old friends meaning Jacob?" I ask bluntly, my attention on Micah as I play with some of his toys. 

"Yes," Bella says hesitantly. 

"You know you are allowed to be friends with him, right?" I say looking up at her. 

"You'd be okay with that?" She asks surprised at my response. 

"I'm not okay with them, no," I say honestly. "But I'm not your keeper, and distance and other friends are important. You love that friendship and when Edward finally agrees to change you, chances are that the Pack are going to want nothing to do with you. May as well soak it up whilst you can..."

"That doesn't seem right though," She whispers before I interrupt her. 

"Just don't talk about me or my family's situation, and we're all good, B," I say seriously, making sure I give her a small smile in reassurance. 

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