64: sleeping baby

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"Is Micah asleep?" Rose asks as I plant myself on top of Jaspers's lap, giggling as he smirks at me cheekily.

"Yeah," I smile as I force my attention towards my sister in law. "I just checked on him. He completely crashed."

"He was a busy boy tonight," Esme laughs, as we all nod and laugh in agreement. "It's understandable that he was so exhausted."

"It's definitely the latest he's been to bed before," I said before smirking. "The kid couldn't get enough of the attention."

"Every time I went to take him up to bed, his face would wobble and he'd start to fake cry," Jasper said with a bewildered laugh. "I couldn't believe it, I just caved. I can only imagine what he'll be like when he gets older."

We all giggled at the thought of an older Micah trying to manipulate his way into and out of things. Forget the fact that he's growing up in a house of vampires, between his father, Aunty and Uncle, he won't stand a chance.

"I even thought Edward might have a better go of getting him to sleep but he didn't give him the time of day when we tried that also," I laughed. "Apparently his thoughts were practically damning Edward as he tried to take Micah from Bella."

"He takes after his uncle," Emmett smirks, winking at his wife. "He knows how to appreciate a good woman."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his comment as Rose winked back at him.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm so happy today is over," I practically exhale.

"I don't relate to being happy today is over whatsoever," Alice remarks with an almost insulting glare.

"You know that's not what I meant," I roll my eyes. "I'm just tired."

"From Jasper's explanation about tonight's happenings with Jacob," Carlisle starts, resting his hand on Esme's knee. "Combined with your heightened human qualities, it's only understandable that you'd be feeling drained. I must admit it's not normal, but it is still understandable."

There was a moment of silence amongst the group before Emmett let out an exhale and the eyes around the room landed on him expectantly.

"I've seen you angry before," Emmett almost hesitates, leaning forward in the seat as the energy in the rooms shifts to accommodate the serious conversation. "But this was different. You seemed so ready to fight."

"I don't disagree," Jasper states with a nod. "You were absolutely transfixed on Bella's safety."

"You guys make it sound as though that is a bad thing," Rose states, defensively. "Jacob was being a right mutt, and aggressive towards her sister. What else do you expect?"

"I'm not saying was wrong. I agree there was a need for Soph's reaction," Jasper remarks, Emmett huffing in agreeance. "Carlisle, I was thinking that it may have a greater significance to Soph's abilities, than just her heightened humility."

"Highly likely," Carlisle murmurs, looking between Jasper and I. "What were you thinking specifically?"

"Well, I was thinking that it could it be something similar to Esme?" Jasper starts. "Something like an instinct- like Esme's maternal instinct. Could it be that?"

"It could be," Carlisle replies. "But from what you've said, it seems more generalised than a maternal instinct is. It's proven to be demonstrated not only towards Micah but others also... and, now this is only a theory, but I think it's more towards a protectors reaction than maternal instincts."

"Does that explain the overwhelming emotion that washed over her?" Jasper urges. "Her attention was fixated on Jacob and Bella, and only once Bella came into full view of Soph, did she manage to snap out of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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