Pt 32: friends forever?

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"Sophia, would you mind very much if I pulled you aside to discuss last night?" Carlisle asks, grabbing my attention from Micah as I fed him a bottle.

Jasper, Alice, Emmett and I were gathered in the kitchen when Carlisle walked in. I hadn't yet spoken to Rose, as Emmett said that she had locked herself in their bedroom and wasn't letting anyone, even himself, in there.

"Sure," I tell him, as I hand Micah over to an almost too desperate, Jasper.

"Ah, in private," Carlisle hesitates before continuing. "And I think Jasper should be there too..."

"Oh okay," I say, overcome with curiosity, as I watch Jasper pass Micah over to his brother.

"But-" Emmett exclaims, as he holds Micah in an unnatural position, almost scared that he would break the small baby.

"Take him up to Rose," I say with a smirk. "She'll be happy to look after him."

Jasper, Carlisle and I all gathered inside Carlisle's office, each sitting on one of the old grandfather style chairs placed in front of the fireplace. The entire room was beautiful- a perfect mix between an old library and home medical practice. Oddly enough, the two differing styles worked together quite aesthetically.

"It's all thanks to Esme," Carlisle smirks, understanding my reaction to the room.

"I must remember to commend her on her abilities," I laugh, turning to face Carlisle more intently. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, firstly, I want to assure you that I believe your arguments and cause are just and reasonable to have one of us be the one to change you. As well as that, I would be honoured to have you as part of our family," He starts, his auto dripping with professionalism.

"But?" I interject, impatiently.

"I feel it important to discuss in greater detail, and more private, of the consequences that this decision will have on your friendships with the Pack and broader Quileute community," Carlisle starts, making me haunt in realisation.

How could I have no thought about this earlier?

"I'm aware that during our time away, you became increasingly close to each of them," Carlisle continues.

"Yeah, I did," I tell him seriously. "They became a sort of family to me, and they were a massive help with Micah over the first couple of months, particularly Emily, Sam's fiance."

"I am so glad that they were there for you," Carlisle says, as Jasper nods in agreeance. "But I need to tell you more of our strained relationship and treaty with the tribe of La Push, and how this will influence you if you decide to go ahead with your plans..."

"What do you mean? Am I not allowed to have friendship with any of them if I am to become one of you?" I ask as silence washes over Carlisle in the uncertainty of how to respond.

Looking up at Jasper, my heart starts to ache as I watch the pain behind his eyes.

"There's a natural disassociation between the Quileute tribe and ourselves. It's not a matter that you can't have relationship- we would love that for you- but I think what Carlisle is trying to demonstrate is his concern with how they will react to your new identity," Jasper says hesitantly, watching me closely for a reaction. "And how you will feel about possibly losing some close friends."

"As you know, we have a treaty between the Quileute and ourselves," Carlisle continues. "The treaty allows our two species- that being natural born enemies- to live in a manner that doesn't disturb each other, and creates a more peaceful existence. Rules are in place to assure this... Like how we aren't allowed on their land and they won't tell the humans of our existence."

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