pt 2: reunited

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We were all sat around the kitchen bench eating the leftover pizza Charlie had ordered in earlier that evening for his and Bella's dinner.
It had been almost 2 hours since I'd been home, and I'd already settled into the spare room. My suitcases already open, spilling out all over the ground. My way of claiming what's mine.
Like a dog.

"I can't believe you're here. How come you didn't tell me you were coming?" This was the fifth time and counting Bella had claimed her shock having not being told about my coming home.

"This is the last time I'm going to tell you, I wanted it to be a surprise!" I exclaimed knowing Bella wasn't going to let it go anytime soon.
Charlie sat next to me, observing our conversation quietly. I wasn't sure if he was still shocked about me being home, whether he was getting used to there being noise in the house, or if he was just always like this, but it was amusing either way- his eyes wide and watching us with an odd interest.

"Either way, I'm glad you're home. You missed seeing Billie Black and Jacob, his son... You remember them right? They came over earlier to drop off the homecoming gift I'd gotten sorted for Bella. I'm sure she'd be happy to share with you." Charlie said from his end, piping up to prevent Bella from rebutting my remark.

"Bella told me. That's really nice of you Dad." I said to him, evoking a small smile on his face.
I've always had a soft spot for Charlie. Mum's always been able to look after herself, but there's something about Charlie that seems so vulnerable, which has always made me want to swaddle him in a blanket and never let him get hurt again. Maybe it's because when mum and he split, he was left with only his dying parents as family. Even his own sister left town as soon as she had the chance.

"I'm glad you're home too. I was so scared thinking I wouldn't know anyone at school tomorrow. It's a relief knowing you'll be there too." Bella shared. Her comment made me smile. I really did miss her.

With a kiss on our heads, Charlie excused himself and made his way to bed for the night. We must have really exhausted him after today's events.

It wasn't long after when Bella and I did the same. Squished into the small bathroom, we brushed our teeth and went to our separate rooms. I knew the plane trip would have effected Bella a lot, not being a good traveller, and we started school tomorrow, so I encouraged her to make her way to her room for the night.
It also gave me the opportunity to unpack my clothes and belongings into their desired places and allow me to respond to messages from a few of my friends from school.

Katie B: Hey S, how was the flight? Were your sister and dad surprised? I miss you already x

Me: Hey Kate. The flight was a drag but it was worth it to have seen their faces. I miss you too! X

Katie was one of the first friends I had made at Burgess Hill Girls. With shoulder-length blonde hair, slim, tall build and striking blue eyes, Katie has to be one of the most strikingly beautiful people I have ever seen. Worse than that, she had an incredible heart and a hilarious personality. The total package.
Katie's family were distant relatives of the royal family or something, coming from serious wealth, but unlike most of the other girls at school, she never let that define her. As soon as we met, I knew I had to hold onto our friendship, and I've cherished it ever since.

Knowing I wouldn't be getting a response tonight, I closed my laptop and settled it on my new desk.
Popping my headphones in, I started putting my photo frames and a few posters up on my walls. I loved my room, having windows covering two of the walls, one facing the street and the other the forest. Bella and my rooms were separated only by the smallest bathroom you will ever see. It was perfect.

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