Pt 11: confrontational

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I was at this point in an 'almost rage'. I was scared, stressed and really confused, so I did want any normal person did. I got angry. Angry at Jasper, angry at the Cullen family and angry at myself. It's 2:24am and I'm driving up the Cullen's driveway like a crazy person.

Oh, how my life has changed...

I park the car and staunch up to the door. Before I get the chance to knock, Alice swings the door open, seemingly stunned. Without saying a word to her, I determinedly walk straight past and up the stairs, towards the lounge room where I just know the family is all gathered around awaiting my appearance.

As I get to the top, I walk down the hall, stopping as I reach the lounge room. Each of the Cullens were stood there, surprised to be seeing me.

"Hello, Sophia," Carlisle greets me cautiously. "Is everything okay?" I just look at him. I just look at them all. It's not possible that they each look the exact same to those pictures. Yeah, DNA can be a real shocker but not seven different people from seven different bloodlines, in one family. It's almost as impossible to believe, as believing the alternative.

I walk towards them, slamming the paperwork down on the coffee table. In silence, they each look down as they see photos and sketches of people who look just like them, including their personal details from years and years ago.

Seemingly stunned, Esme moves towards them, leaning down to pick up the Government data. She flicks through the pages, before looking over to Carlisle.

"It's not possible," She says quietly, clearly confused. Carlisle just turns towards me, before stepping forward.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I tell him sternly. He stops, before stepping back into his previous place next to his wife. They each start reaching down to pick up their papers, Alice moving to sit down on the chair a bit away to go through it.

"How did you get these?" Edward asked slowly.

"I have my ways," I responded sharply, not once letting down my guard.

Edward looks over to Carlisle, before shaking his head.

"Got something to share with the class?" I snap, looking directly at him. He just shakes his head in submission.

"What do you know?" Carlisle says, wrapping his arm around Esme.

"Well, I know absolutely everything about you up until 1663," I say certainly. "From there, it starts to get a little blurry."

"Soph..." Rose starts before I interrupt her.

"No," I rebuked. "You listen to me."

"I don't understand what's going on here. I have this information, about lives lived, some over 300 years ago," I say looking towards Carlisle. "People who seem to have the same names as you. Now that's not so strange- I can handle that. It happens often; People who look exactly like you. Now that gets a little harder to believe. You know, seven people who look exactly like seven other people, but whatever. But then, it registered. People who are you. Now that, I can't possibly believe, surely..." I say pausing. Looking over to Jasper. "Tell me I'm wrong," I say, almost begging.

Each of the Cullens look towards Jasper, watching for what he'll do next. He looks at each of them, before looking back at me.

"I can't," He says softly. My heart stops, as Edward and Emmett gasp.

"What are you?" I whispered, to them all.

"We aren't going to hurt you, Sophia," Esme says as she pulls Carlisle to sit down, gesturing for the others to do the same, as I'm left standing.

"I know," I whisper, giving out a sigh of relief. "I'm not scared of you," I say as they each look towards Jasper. He just shakes his head, as they each look back towards me, shocked.

"That information you have of me," Carlisle starts, "It's all true. I was born in 1640. I grew up in London, England, to a highly conservative Anglican family. During this time there was heavy superstition through the church about creatures that worked for the devil- Witches, werewolves and vampires. My father headed raids with a group of men from the community who would go out attempting to rid the world of the evil that these creatures were. When I was 23, my father retired, he passed on that position of leadership to me, and that evening I organised my very first raid. That evening I discovered a coven of vampires and set up a trap. When they dispersed and got caught, I chased one down. Long story short, I ended up being attacked that night, left to die in the street. Seeing as though I couldn't bear to inform my father about what I was to become, I hid from the rest of society and three days later I emerged as one of them." Carlisle paused as he made sure I was okay for him to continue. I took a deep breath, in and out, before looking back at him to continue.

"I was utterly repulsed by the thing that I had now become, and as a result, I tried taking my own life. I tried absolutely everything, but nothing worked. Although I became hungry, I couldn't bring myself to eat as a traditional vampire would, so I hid away and attempted to starve myself to death. Although, in a position of starvation and madness, I attacked a herd of deer, learning that I would be able to sustain myself off of animal blood, rather than taking the lives of innocent people. Over the next couple of centuries, I was able to build up a sort of immunity to human blood, which allowed me to follow my true passions and study medicine. It was from that point in which we have become the coven we are now- each with their own stories and experiences which I am sure they would be honoured to share with you in due time," Carlisle concludes.

"We understand that this is a lot to take in, but we do hope you understand that we mean you no harm," Rose urges, her eyes seemingly plead.

I give her a small smile as I look at each of them.

"I do understand that. I feel no threat here- honestly," I promise.

"I know," Edward assures, looking at the others with a smile, as though they knew what each other meant from it.

"Sophia, I hope you understand, but I do need to ask where you managed to get this information," Carlisle says. "Otherwise, it may become a quite urgent issue among our family with how easily this information is sourced."

I laughed shortly, "I wouldn't in any way call it easy. I got it through a friend back in England whose dad works for Government security. A couple of years ago, in a game of truth or dare, we managed to hack his work programming and we've had the passwords ever since. I told her I had an assessment I needed specific information for- she won't be an issue at all," I assure.

"Thank you," Carlisle says. Looking towards Jasper he says, "You can manage that, yes?" With a quick nod is a response, Carlisle smiles.

"Um, also..." I mumble, "I want to apologise for the way I invaded on your space. I should never have done that in such a manner."Chuckles could be heard throughout the room.

"Honestly S, I'm impressed you didn't stake us," Emmett laughed. "You came in here all firey. I was scared."

"It was definitely impressive," Jasper chimed in, as I looked at him blushing. Hard.

Everyone started filing out of the room after that, Carlisle and Esme walking up the stairs, with Rose and Emmett following close behind, not before both giving me a hug first. Alice was slowly walking out of the room, seemingly reading the paperwork I brought quite intently. I looked at Jasper concernedly as he just smiled at me before coming up and engulfing me in a hug.

"I am so sorry," He whispered into my head.

"No, no. I am sorry," I pressured. "I promised you I wasn't going to pry but I did."

"Honestly, I am so glad you did," Jasper says as he pushes away from the hug, still holding onto me from around my waist. "It saved me an uncomfortable conversation. What was I supposed to say? Sophia, I am a vampire." He said laughing, as we moved towards the lounge.

I'm just glad it's all sorted, and now we can focus on getting to know each other with no complications," I say convinced.

"Oh Soph, how much you have to learn," Jasper jokes. "In this world, there are always complications."

"I don't care," I declare. "As long as I get to be with you."

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