Pt 49: mutual frenemies

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The last few days had been beyond frustrating.

Bella had told Jacob and the Pack everything, resulting in a strained sort of alliance between the Cullens and the wolves.

No matter how much I didn't want to admit it though, Bella was right. It wasn't about rivalry, or grudges, or bias, anymore. It was about my families safety- Bella's, Charlie's and Micah's.

The days following my semi-explosion involved a lot of isolation, control and guarding the house. It may have been petty, but every time the Pack would swap with us to hunt, I made sure that Charlie was home to look after Micah. I was still angry at Bella, and I wanted her to know it too.

It became a little bit more awkward when it was decided that Bella would stay with Jacob for a couple of nights whilst we all went out of town to hunt.

Even though I was still drinking only from cups, Carlisle managed to become quite stubborn after a few more of my emotional breakdowns. He said that it was essential that I had some space from Forks, and in doing so, I was trapped into going with the family, resulting in Micah having to stay with Bella.

"Hi Soph," Emily greeted with a small smile.

"Emily," I greeted back, although a little more hesitantly.

Bella, in all her glory, had dragged Edward and I to the treaty line where we met with Jacob and Emily. I understood that it was a matter of safety and security, and although Micah would be with Bella, I struggled with the idea that I was allowing the Pack into Micah's life.

"It really is good to see you," She says. "You look great."

"Thanks," I whisper, holding onto Micah tightly in my arms, whilst we both ignore the others clearly arguing behind us.

"Wow," Emily gushes at Micah. "Micah! You're practically all grown up! Look at you!"

"I know, he's grown so much," I say with a small smile. "He's even taken his first steps. I was both terrified and exhilarated."

"I can imagine!" She says.

There was an awkward moment as I looked at her gushing at Micah. I could understand that she would have missed him. They had gotten so close whilst we were all still friends, and I knew that I could trust her with him.

"Do you want to hold him?" I ask slowly, a hesitant smile on my face as I watched Emily's surprised expression.

"Oh, yes! Please!" She exclaims rushing over with her arms wide, reaching out for a smiling Micah in my arms.

My breath halted as I watched my old friend holding my son once again. I realised just how much I had missed Em, but couldn't help but not forget just how much pain I had felt when she allowed her fiancé's pack to turn their backs on me.

"You ready?" Bella asks as she comes over to Emily and I- she too, obviously surprised that I was allowing the imprint to hold my son.

"No," I say bluntly, looking Bella dead in the eye. "You stay with him at all times, you hear me? If I find out that for even a second you left him with the others, there will be hell to pay."

"Sophia," Bella warns. "I promised you that I would stay with him. I swear by it."

I stayed silent as Bella reached out to take Micah from Emily, grabbing his bags from my hands.

"He will be safe, Soph," Em says as I just stare at her plainly, before turning towards the car where Edward was already eagerly waiting with the engine revving.

"Let's get this bloody weekend over with already," I say bluntly as Edward speeds away from the sight of Jacob hugging his mate.

"You can say that again."

"This is crazy," I say, as we each look up at the television in front of us, Micah asleep in Jasper's arms.

We had gotten back to the house as quickly as we could- Jasper, Edward and I having left before the rest as we were desperate to get Bella and Micah back to us.

"Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer. Reporting live..." The Tv presenter states before being muted by Carlisle.

"It's getting worse," He states concerned. "We're going to have to do something."

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting," Jasper says. "Quite a few more."

"And it's all true too," I interrupt. "I hacked into Dad's computer. His files are insane... the authorities have no idea what they're dealing with."

"They're undisciplined, conspicuous," Jasper continues.

"It's newborns," Edward interrupts, realising what Jasper was getting at.

"But I'm not like that," I whisper, looking at Jasper.

"The control you have is rare for a newborn," Carlisle states. "When you become a mature vampire, it'll be interesting to see the amount of control you'll maintain then."

"Newborns, as in new vampires?" Bella asks unknowingly.

"The first few months after the change," Edward states.

"That when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious," Jasper says as I move my hand to meet his. "Insane with thirst."

"Something to look forward to," Emmett sasses to Bella.

"Eh," I say with a shrug. "It really wasn't too bad."

"No one's trained these newborns, but this isn't random," Jasper continues, ignoring my remark.

"Someone's creating an army," Carlisle concludes.

"Now we're definitely going to Seattle," Emmett cheers, jumping up from where he was sat on the back of the couch.

"An army of vampires?" Bella asks, fear evident in her voice.

I couldn't lie, I felt the exact way Bella looked. Terrified.

"And they've been created to fight someone," Jasper informs us.

"We're the only clan even close to Seattle," Edward says, confused and concerned.

"Regardless of why they were made," Carlisle starts. "If we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long."

"Maybe they're behind it," Edward says. "In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him- and once he learns of Sophia's gift, he'll want her too. He knows we'll never choose him as long as out family's still alive."

"An army could solve that for him," Jasper growls.

"I really don't think he's behind this," I say seriously, moving forward from next to Jasper. "Yes, he probably sees the benefit of our families destruction, but he isn't the creator... It's not them. I would know it."

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