Pt 12: known & saved

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It has been a few days since I found out about Jasper and his family all being vampires, and it was slowly becoming something I was accustomed to, no matter how much it could confuse me at times. 

It was around midday on Saturday and I was trying to finish an essay on Ancient Roman civilisation that's due on Monday. Jasper is picking me up a bit later to spend some time with the family and Bella had left a couple of hours ago for a trip to La Push beach with her friends from school, so I had some peace and quiet to try and smash it out of the way.

I was just finishing the conclusion for the assessment when I heard Dad chatting with Jasper downstairs. They had officially met each other the morning after I found out about the Cullens and Jasper had come to pick me up for school. Dad seemed to approve which I was pleasantly surprised about, and Jasper had even sworn that he hadn't used his pathokinesis ability on him either. 

I was almost ready to print the essay when Jasper walked straight through my door and straight for my bed, making himself right at home. I was really happy with where Jasper and my relationship was going. Even though we weren't yet official, we were extremely comfortable with each other and knew where we both stood. It was only a matter of time

"Hello to you too," I laugh, as Jasper gets himself comfortable, snuggling into my pillows. 

"Hey," he mumbles, into my pillow before lifting his head to look at me with a cheeky smile.

"I don't want to know," I tell him straight as I turn back to my assessment. Knowing that he was up to something. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he replies smirking, getting up from the bed as he snakes his arms around my waist, his head nestling into the crook of my neck. "How long till you're ready to go?" 

"I just need to print it out. If you stop bugging me, I can get it done quicker," I warn him. Jasper doesn't let go, as I just groan at him struggling to move over to the printer. 

"Bloody hell, Jasper." 

It took about 5 minutes to do a 60 second job because of Jasper's sudden clinginess but I didn't totally mind it though. I enjoyed knowing the attachment that I had growing towards him wasn't unreciprocated. 

We had to walk quickly down the stairs, saying goodbye to Charlie and race to get in Jaspers silver Audi R8- We were very late for the start of our movie night Alice was forcing us all to attend.

"It's important for us all to be having quality family time- and either way, who doesn't love some Molly Ringwald." 

At the time I had rolled my eyes, but now I was very stressed to encounter Alice's rath for being so late. Technically it was Jasper's fault.

Thankfully I could now trust Jasper's driving- no matter how much it scares me. 


"You're late!" Alice roared as she swung open the door which joins the garage to the rest of the house. 

"I swear it's all Jasper's fault," I promise as I walk past her, giving her a kiss on the cheek before running up the stairs. 

"Hey all," I greet as I fall down onto the beanbag in which I had demanded to have if I were to be here for this sodding movie marathon. 

"You're late," Emmett said, trying to rile me up. No matter how much I loved him, he was a serious piece of work. 

"Wow, thanks, Einstein. I had no idea," I say glaring at him.

"I met him once," Carlisle piped up from his spot on the loveseat with Esme.

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