pt 3: fresh start

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My alarm went off at 7:30 and it most certainly wasn't an easy start to the day.

My eyes hardly wanted to open, and my body begged me to end the horrific beeping that sent my anxiety skyrocketing, and instead to return to easy slumber.

At this point, I wasn't even given the opportunity to way up the pros and cons of skipping my first day seeing as though my ruthless and unkind sister bound through my door and towards my resting body at full speed.

"What the hell Isabella?!" I said fully awake and angry. "Are you trying to kill me or do you want to be killed?! Because at this point either option is of great possibility!"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to," she replied sheepishly. Although unprovable, it was highly likely to be the case seeing as how clumsy and unlucky Bella is as a person.

"What do you want B?" I say, turning over and pulling my cover under my neck, embracing the warm comfort of my bed.

"You really need to get up and ready. We cannot be late," Bella said as she turns to walk out the door.

"We won't be late if we don't go in the first place," I say in remark.
I could feel Bella's eye roll from the other side of my room.

"Don't bother S. I'll make breakfast, you get ready and come down." With that, Bella walked right out my door and towards the kitchen.
At this point, I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to argue, and so I bared myself to the cold Washington mornings, and got up, gathering my clothes for the day and sauntered into the bathroom.

"Bella, remind me to save up for a car. This is highly embarrassing." I said to her as the truck backfires. "We haven't been here for more than 10 seconds and I already want to die."

"Don't dis the truck. Now come on." I could tell Bella was putting on a stern front as to not psych herself out.

I opened the truck door and was immediately met with stares. Ahh to be new- now this was a feeling that I could never get used to.

"Nice ride." A kid sarcastically remarks towards Bella.
I give him an eye roll as Bella responds back with an embarrassed "thanks."

"I didn't realise there were jerks in small schools too. Should have known." I say to Bella.

"Come on." She responds as she leads me towards the main office to collect our schedules and locker numbers.

"Wow, these never get easier to understand," I state as I try to decode the timetable in front of me.

"You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place." A seemingly confident, dark-haired guy says. "Um... anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?"

With a quick sweep of the people around her, Bella responds to his rather strange offer, "I'm really kind of the more sufferer-in-silence type."

"Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper and you're news baby, front page," Erin claims. I knew this wasn't going to go well.

"Oh no, I'm not. Uh... I.. please don't have any sort of..." Bella stutters out.

Eric quickly chimes in, "Chillax. No feature."

"Thanks," Bella says relieved, "Also, this is my sister Soph. She also moved here with me."

"Nice to meet you," I say with a smile.

"Eric. Nice to meet you too," he says as I accept his hand to shake.

"So I heard. You tried to publicise my sister. Bad move." I say with a smirk as Eric and I give off a small laugh, whilst Bella stands there turning an almost red from embarrassment.

Bella and I were lucky, well Bella was lucky. Me not so much. Although we were in separate years, as I am a year older than Bella, being a senior, we were blessed enough to be in the same gym class. Of all the classes I'd not like to have my sister in, this would be it. She. Is. Hopeless.
Luckily enough, we were put into separate teams, and so I was able to laugh at her when she hit the volleyball resulting in it smashing into one the heads of the boys playing basketball. Pretty funny, I must say.

Lunch came in a flash, and suddenly I was sat at a table with Eric, the boy Bella hit in the head, Mike, and a few others she had met along the way.
All of a sudden, the guy who insulted Bella about her truck comes over and kisses her cheek, resulting in Mike up and chasing the guy out of the cafeteria.

"Oh, my God." Jessica, one of the girls say. "It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy."

I smile at the comment, knowing how much Bella would hate hearing that.
Suddenly a flash goes off in our face. With a shock I turn to look at the other girl sat at the table, Angela, who has a camera out and pointed right at Bella and I.
"Sorry. I needed a candid for the feature." She says with an apologetic face.

Quickly and quite forcefully, Eric butts in, "Features dead Angela. Don't bring it up again."
I could see the disappointment on Angela's face. I felt pretty bad for her.

"I'm sorry," I say. "We're really not comfortable with a feature about us."

"It's okay. I guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." Angela says.

"You know, you could always go for eating disorders," Bella says.

"Or speedo passing on the swim team," I say excitedly. "That's always a big one, and you'll get the readers."

"Actually, that's a good one." Angela and Jessica laugh as they joke about who they suspect.

I don't catch the rest of what they say as my attention is drawn to what's outside the cafeteria windows. A group of gorgeous people walk past, all wearing beautiful designer clothing and their hair and makeup is impeccable. It took me back to being around high society in England.

It seems as though Bella gave them her attention too as she asks, "who are they?"

Waiting for a response off Angela and Jessica, I keep my attention on them. Particularly the one with the honey good hair. He is beautiful- I'm totally and utterly drawn to him.

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