Pt 58: Vouvalos Island

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"I don't ever want to leave," I say, breaking the silence as we sit in the sand with Micah.

Our holiday destination couldn't have been more beautiful- Vouvalos Island, a small island off the coast of Greece, with its white sand, tropical trees, calm waves. The three weeks for our little family to get some much needed alone time just didn't seem like enough.

We were able to show Micah the sand and surf for the first time. We, Micah and I, were able to eat sticky mangoes and try coconuts. When Micah would go down for his naps or sleep at night, Jasper and I would go snorkelling or go for a short hike. It was amazing having a 38-acre island just to ourselves. There was nowhere we couldn't go because of people nor was there nowhere we would ever be where we couldn't hear the soft hum of our sons breath or the constant tapping of his heart beat. It was wonderful- relaxing, soulful, fulfilling, exciting.

It was a dream come true.

"I could definitely stay here forever too," Jasper murmurs, passing Micah the plastic shovel he was using to dig a hole- and when I say that, I mean more flicking the sand up into my face.

"Micah, no," I exclaim, taking the shovel away again, only to look up at his laughing father. "Can you not encourage him, I may be a Vampire, but sand in the eyes still hurts."

"You're right, you're right," Jasper says as he attempts to control his laughter. "Now, Micah, we really need to learn how to control our little arms cause Mama is getting frustrated, and when Mama gets cranky Dadda gets sad cause she takes it out on him."

"Excuse me," I sass. "If I'm taking out any element of frustration on you, it's most likely because you caused the frustration in the first place."

"Hey! Look at us," Jasper exclaims. "Already fighting like an old married couple! Emmett would be so proud."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Jasper's stupid comment, a small smile breaking the glare at my new husband. He wasn't wrong though, and in a weird way, it was actually nice bickering with Jasper- only a little of course, but still, it was nice.

My thoughts were interrupted as Micah let out a small squeal, which soon turned into a giggle.

"Mama, Mama," Micah exclaims, as my head whips towards him, before looking up at Jasper.

"What?" I whisper, turning Micah to look at me. "What did you say?"

"Mama, Mama," He exclaims again, clapping his hands together as I jump up off the ground.

"Oh my God," I shout. "Jasper! Did you hear it? He said 'Mama'! Micah said 'Mama'!"

"I heard it," Jasper exclaims, he too jumping up off the sand, grabbing Micah as they excitedly watched me jumping up and down.

"Can he say anything else?" I ask desperately as I rush over to them both, the excitement overwhelming as I urge him to say more. "Wait- my phone! I need to video it."

"What else can you say?" Jasper asks as he sits them both back on the beach, now ignoring the half made sandcastle beside them.

"No- wait!" I shout, grabbing my phone from the beach bag before rushing back towards them.

I could feel the tingle at my fingertips as I urged it away. I was still working on my control when experiencing heightened emotions, but this was definitely not the time to reel my excitement in.

Clicking the record button, I practically shove the camera in Micah's face, desperate to get the new development on tape.

Once upon a time, I promised myself that I wouldn't be the crazy Mum, yet here I was. Embarrassing my kid before he can even put together more than one word.

"What did you just say, Micah?" Jasper spurs. "Did you just say 'Mama'? Can you say 'Mama' again?"

"Mama!" Micah shouts excitedly as I squeal dramatically.

"Can you say 'Dada'?" I urge further. "Da-Da."

Micah just stares at the camera for a moment as I hold the camera a little further away from his personal space bubble.

"Micah, say 'Dada'," Jasper urges.

"Da-" Micah exclaims, finishing with a squeal as he creates his own nickname for his Dad.

"Hey, I'm good with that," Jasper exclaims, smiling excitedly into the camera. "Can you say 'Da' again, Micah?"

"Da-Da," Micah shouts before squealing, clapping his hands together once again.

I couldn't help it either as I let out a squeal of excitement, watching as Jasper claps eagerly.

"Yes!" Jasper shouts, pumping the air. "That's my boy!"

"How does it feel to finally be called 'Dada'?" I ask laughing, whipping the camera around to face the both of us.

"So good," Jasper exclaims into the camera. "So good!"

"You wait!" I squeal into the camera. "By the time we get home, Micah's gonna be able to recite all his Aunt's and Uncle's names, and Poppy! Grandma Esme and Grandpa Carlisle!"

"Oh my gosh," Jasper whispers, shaking his head. "Is he even old enough to be able to talk?"

I just roll my eyes at him bewildered, laughing at his complete shock turned into concern at his boy growing up- all of which I was getting on video.

"Yes, Jasper," I laugh. "We can worry about you later, as for now, Micah just said his first words- which was more specifically 'Mama' by the way! We miss you and although we can't wait to see y'all, we're also not desperate to come home. Love ya's!"

"Love you all!" Jasper exclaims as he helps Micah wave at the camera. "Micah loves and misses you too!"


Shutting off the camera and quickly sending the video's off to the rest of the family, I look up at a now quiet Jasper.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sitting back down, the warmth of the sunlight heating up my back as I reach for Jasper's hand.

"Isn't he too young to be talking?" Jasper asks again, as I let out a small laugh.

"Seriously, Jazz," I exclaim. "He probably should have already been talking by now... He's already pushing off his legs. It won't be long until he's walking too."

"That's not true," Jasper whispers, picking Micah up as he awkwardly cradles his restless son in his arms.

"Jazz, he's growing up," I tell him. "We need to get used to the idea."

desiderium- Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now