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He stares blankly at the wall. His hands were shaking as he played with the drawstrings of his sweats. The grandfather clock ticking is the only sound in the room. It was hypnotizing. It made his mind feel blank.

"Jimin?" He turned his head. His eyes meeting Mrs.Min's eyes. Her husband right behind her with his daughter in his arms as she sucked on her pacifier.

"Oh, um, hi," he whispered standing reaching for his baby.

Yoongi's father handed her over with no hesitation. "We checked her out and she has an ear infection. We tried calling Yoongi but his phone seems to be off."

Jimin furrowed his brows holding his baby close. She let out a whine but cuddle into her papa. He could feel her warmer than normal skin pressed against him. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine. It should go away on its own. Why are- What are you doing home so early?" Mrs.Min asked. Jimin parted his lips but didn't say anything. His heart began to race again.

"I'll be upstairs," the male said leaving the two alone.

Jimin bit his lip carrying his daughter to the couch taking a seat. He brushed his fingers through Naomi's hair. He played with the ends that curled up. "What's wrong?" Mrs.Min asked sitting beside him. He didn't make eye contact. He felt ashamed of what he had done to her son and that he was still living there but he knew she didn't know. Yoongi didn't tell her. Hell, he wasn't even sure she even knew they dated since well they weren't together all that long.

The brunette shook his head. "Nothing. I just wasn't feeling well so I decided to come home early," he whispered.

She eyed him suspiciously. "Oh yeah? Your eyes are red," she states.

The teenager bit his lip. "I-um," he didn't even get the chance to explain as the door flew open. He stood up immediately. "Yoongi!" he gasped as the beaten boy limps into the room.

"What happened to you?!" His mother stood up. The teenager only shook his head as he made his way over to them and taking the seat that was previously Jimin's.

The brown-haired teen stared at him with wide eyes. His eye was swollen shut, a long cut against his eyebrow, and lip busted. "I'll go get the first aid kit. But when I get back you're telling me who the hell did this to you." She grabbed the baby from Jimin's arms mumbling about taking her to her room so that the two could talk.

Once she was gone he looked over at the father. "Johnny..." Yoongi nodded leaning his head on the back of the couch.

"What did you say to him? He was so angry by the time he saw me," the bleach blonde shook his head. "He just attacked me. It was so bad," he whispered. He grabbed his phone tossing it over at Jimin's feet. It was completely shattered.

"I'm sorry," Jimin whispered dropping to his knees hugging the older's legs. "This is all my fault," he inhaled sharply before a loud sob erupted from his throat. "I-I was messing with him and he got all angry and left. I didn't know he would go after you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he cried.

He was stupid to question Johnny's sexuality in the first place. The teen for the most hateful person towards gays that Jimin had ever met in his life. He didn't know why he hadn't stopped to think Johnny would go and release the anger Jimin had caused.

"Get up. You didn't know this would happen." Yoongi shoved him away gently. He didn't want to be touched by him. He didn't want to be touch by anyone. He was in pain.

He was alone today. Taehyung and Hoseok has ditched to go out and eat somewhere. Yoongi didn't feel like third wheeling so he opted to chill under a tree. He was okay with being alone. He was enjoying music and reading a book on his phone when he was suddenly pulled up by his hair. Yoongi could practically see the smoke come of out of Johnny's ears.

"I will never be anything like you," he seethes. He didn't even have the chance to question what was going on before the first blow was delivered to his eye. "You're a filthy disgusting excuse for a human."

He was just so angry and he made sure to vent out all that anger on his body. He pulled his hair, he punched, kicked, spit on him. It felt like an eternity of torture.

"Jimin, honey, go get an ice pack," Mrs.Min instructed as made her way down the stairs.

The teenager stood up wiping his eyes as he went to do as asked.

Mrs.Min eyed his retreating figure turning to her son. "What's going on? I want the truth."

Yoongi sighed watching as his mom got the things she need to clean up his wounds. "Guess he pissed off this homophobic prick and he took it out on me," he answered. "He also found out about Mimi so," he trailed of wincing when his mother ran a alcohol pad against his busted lip and brow.

"We can press charges. This is assault."

"No," He did but part of him believed it was just a wait of time. Knowing the police in his town they would just give them a slap on the wrist.

The doctor sighed shaking her head. "I think we should move you school or home school you the rest of the year."

"I don't want to leave Taehyung alone," he mumbled.

"I'll talk to his parents. You two can do your work together here. I'll hire a tutor."

"What about Jimin? His parents would have to sign the papers allowing him to do it and I don't think they will. They didn't exactly leave on good terms. I don't know how people will react to finding out about Mimi. I don't want him to go through this alone," he whispered.

Jimin walked in a second later with two ice packs wrapped in hand towels. "We'll figure something out," she whispered. "Hold this against your eye. Where else are you hurt?" Her son points to ribs.

Without even asking for permission Jimin raises his shirt pressing the cold towel against his aching ribs. He flinched but didn't push him away. "I'll go get some medicine to help for the pain." She paused looking between the two. "Neither of you are going to school tomorrow," she said sternly. "I'll call Taehyung's parents."


I'm trying so hard to end this story but every time I get to a spot I'm like okay but this seems rushed. I apologize if this is getting too long and boring.

On another note I got my wisdom teeth out and I'm in pain so ✌🏽.

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