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2 weeks ago

"It's positive," Jungkook whispered.

Jimin closed his eyes. He put his head in his hands. Positive. "Are you sure?" He looked up at his friend. Jungkook nodded handing him the four tests as well as the boxes they once resided in. Sure enough, four positives faced him.

"Fuck," his voice comes out barely above a whisper. He released a shaky breath closing his eyes.

"It's going to be okay," Jungkook whispered crouching down in front of him. The blonde shook his head. How could anything be okay?

"I-I can't keep it," Jimin mumbled as he once again glanced down at the test. He felt like his heart was in his throat. The positives all stared back at him mockingly. It was taunting him with proof of his mistakes.

Jungkook shook his head. "Don't make any decisions yet. You need to think about it." The blonde nodded his head. The brunette was right. This wasn't something he could decide in a matter of seconds. No matter what he concluded this was life-changing.

He took a deep breath once again looking down at the sticks in his hands as if they would magically turn negative. Of course, they didn't. "I'm such dumb ass," his voice cracked. He was visibly shaking.

"No, you aren't," Jungkook's voice was soft as if he was afraid he would break the boy.

Jimin shook his head his eyes teary. He covered his mouth trying to silence the sob that forced its way out of his mouth. The brunette took his best friend into his arms holding him tight.

Jimin silently cried as he tried to comprehend what could have possibly happened. They used protection. How the hell was this possible? He watched Yoongi put on a condom every single time. So how could this have occurred? Did the latex tear without either noticing? He felt like he would have noticed but then again some days he was so in the moment he didn't even care.

Jungkook rocked then in an attempt to soothe the crying teen. "Lets lay on the bed, okay?" Jimin nodded grabbing the boy's hand and let him lead him to his bed.

They laid side by side staring up at the ceiling neither uttering a word a long while. Jimin was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was growing a human inside of him not only that but he just found out that he was a vaccine 103 carrier.

"Who's the dad?" Jungkook broke the silence.

Oh god, Yoongi. He didn't even think about how all of this would affect him too. This was going to ruin his life. The boy had a bright future and if they did keep it this would stump any dream Yoongi had.

"Oh my god," Jimin sat up putting his head in his hands. He groans. "I-it's Yoongi."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he sat up as well. "Yoongi? Namjoon's Yoongi?"

The blonde nodded his head in shame. "Fuck" Jungkook whispered.

"Are you going to tell him?" Jimin shrugged.

He obviously had to tell him it was just a matter of when. He just wanted to get his shit together before he actually told him. But for now, he just needed to process all of this. He was going to be a dad. Was he still considered a dad? Or was he a mom? He mentally cringed. No, he was a dad. Being called a mom just made him feel uncomfortable.

Maybe he won't even keep it and that way he won't have to deal with figuring out what he or she would have to call him.

"I want to be alone." Jimin looked down at his hands.

"Are you sure?" He nodded. Jungkook hesitated to leave him but stood up nonetheless. "Call me if you need me."

The blonde waited until he was sure the boy was gone to finally break down. He sobbed and sobbed wondering what the hell he was going to do. If he aborted then he knew he would live the rest of his life with the guilt of knowing he had ended his own child's life before it even took its first breath. But if he kept it his life was over. His family would kick him out. They'd disowned him. He'd be homeless. He had no financial stability to be able to feed the kid or get it the essentials.

He'd be ruining Yoongi's life as well. Yoongi had a bright future but with a baby in the picture, it'd complicated so much for him. Jimin didn't want to be the blame for putting any of Yoongi's plans on halt.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jimin quickly wiped his face trying to get rid of the evidence that'd he'd been crying.

"Nothing," his mother gave him a look as she entered the room seating herself on the edge of the bed beside him.

"You know you can tell me anything." She cupped his cheeks smiling softly at him. It only made Jimin cry harder. If he told her he'd probably lose her. He'd miss having her this close to him. But he had to tell her. Whether he kept it or not he'd have to. He was still a minor so he'd need a signature to get an abortion.

"You're scaring me," she whispered. Eyebrows furrowed and a frown etched on her face.

Now or never. He stood from the bed grabbing one of the tests from the bathroom and bringing it to her. "I'm sorry," he whispered.


I have writer block I'm not going to lie I hate it. Also, this week is finals week so if the update is late thats why

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